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When Bright is seven, Win is four years old.

Usually mother's take the kids to school on the first day, but for Win, Bright takes him to school on the first day. And so, their mums send them off from their house gate, giving them the hugs and kisses and bidding them bye.

Bright holds Win hands, swings it lightly shouting 'let's go' that anyone in the road would be able to hear and would adore of.

Win smiles back st Bright, his anxiousness showing in his face, nevertheless his cheeks turning a shade of pink. As they reach the school, Win's eyes start to tick the tears.

Bright looks at his best friend, and so stops walking. He turns WIn towards him, ruffles his hair and then catches the lone tear before it could fall down.

"Please don't cry. I can't see you cry" - Bright says.

"I'm f-fine" - Win replies, sniffing a bit.

"I will be with you, so don't worry. Okay?" - Bright assures him and puts his arm around Win's shoulder and they start walking across the playground.

When they reach Win's classroom, Bright bends down a little to Win's height and ruffles his hair again.

"You'll be fine Winnie" - Bright's hands are still on Win's hair, stroking it.

"I wish..." - Win takes a moment to calm down. "I wish you were in the same class as me, Bri"

"You will have friends like I have Max, you know?"

Win sneers, he doesn't like Max that much.

"I'll meet you during the break near the playground, okay?"

Win nods slowly, and Bright hugs him before standing up. The sight alone is cute. Bright knows Win will always be his baby, even if he has started to come to school now.

"See you later"

"Bye Bright"

As Bright walks away, Win takes a deep breath before opening the door and enters the room where a few children of his age are sitting at the table, coloring different things.

His teacher - Miss Less - shows him to his seat and hands him a sheet with a big teddy bear on it for him to colour. He immediately grabs a dark blue pencil and starts to colour in the bear's paws.

Win enjoys his first day of school, and talks about it quite a lot when he is at home. His Mum is stood by the hob, stirring a pot of spag bol sauce, as Win walks up and down the kitchen, showing her picture after picture that he coloured in.

"I also did a bear, but I gave that one to Bright because he is like a bear."

"That's very nice of you baby," Anu says softly.

"Well, he is my bestest friend."

And then, Anu knows as well.


I am in love with this story myself :)

Hope you people are liking it also

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