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It's not something they've never said to one another before, but normally, it's in a jokey, friendly way, and it's only on the rare occasions that it would be said in serious circumstances.

"I love you too, Winnie."

Win sighs again, wishing that it was meant in a different way.

After a moment, he feels two fingertips beneath his chin, raising his eyes to Bright's, which he sees sparkling slightly in the patio lights.

"Has everything been okay?" Bright asks quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Recently you seem to have been trying to avoid me, and I'm worried that I've done something to offend you, or that something bad has happened."

Win hesitates. "It's nothing bad, I promise."

"So there is something?"

"Maybe." Win smiles slightly for a brief second before it falls from his face. Butterflies explode simultaneously from the cocoons in his stomach, as his palms start to sweat and his heart beats a mile a minute.

Bright's face is getting closer.

Bright's face is getting closer and not moving to the side for a whisper.

Bright's lips are gradually approaching Win's.

Win has no idea how to kiss.

He can feel his lips quivering as all these thoughts and realizations hit him at once. However, before he can think anything else, slightly chapped lips are covering his, and Win is flying.

He doesn't know how to describe the feeling. It's a combination of relief at fulfilling a wish, surprise at what it's like and overwhelming happiness at the fact that it's happening.

Bright is kissing him.

Win's brain finally kicks into gear. Kiss him back! It screams. Just as he thinks about doing so, Bright is pulling away. Win realizes then how short the kiss was, and how many thoughts he had managed to cram in before even thinking about reciprocating.

"S-shit Win, I'm sorry, I-" Bright whispers, lips still only centimeters from Win's.

"Please -" Everything's a mush in Win's head as he tries to formulate a sentence. He shakes his head. "Please don't stop."

A grin pulls at the corners of Bright's mouth before he is hurrying it back to Win's. Win is thinking clearly now; he immediately tries to imitate the way Bright's lips are moving against his. Bright must know that Win is a virgin when it comes to kissing - well, a virgin in everything like that, but whatever - as he slows the kiss down, and Win runs his hands up Bright's chest to clasp together behind his neck. When Win's lower lip gets caught between Bright's teeth, he gasps as Bright nibbles it softly, tugging at Bright's hair, earning a quiet groan in return.


Bright's lips are snatched away from Win's, and he immediately feels lost. They both turn, Bright's arm still across his shoulder, and Win's arms round Bright's neck, to see Saint standing on the patio.

"Alright, Saint?" Bright asks, dropping his arm as Win does the same.

"Yeah, just wanted to let you know that some of your other guests have arrived."

"Oh right, I'll be there in a sec." Bright turns back to look at Win. "We'll talk later, yeah? Once everyone's gone?"

"Okay," Win replies. "I've gotta give you your present anyway, right?"

"Of course." Bright grins and looks back over to where Saint is rocking backwards and forwards on his feet with his hands in his pockets - luckily not looking in their direction - before reaching out for Win's hand and squeezing it. "I'll see you later."


Win feels so happy that he could burst - not only for the fact that Bright kissed him, but also for how they both seemed to just get on with it, and not seem too worried about moving from friendship to... perhaps something else.

Win doesn't want to think about that yet though, but he does start to wonder how long Bright may have been waiting to do that, or what he might say later, or...


Win looks back up to the house where Saint is still standing, waiting.

"Oh wow, Win Metawin is alive!"

Win scoffs and starts walking up. "I wasn't out if it for that long."

"Bright was right - it really is becoming a habit of yours."

"What do you expect from me if one of my dreams has just been fulfilled?" Win raises an eyebrow when he finally reaches his friend.

"Can you stop that stupid laugh?"

"Sorry man. I'm really happy for you." He pulls Win into a quick hug and pats him on the back. "Can I be your best man?"

"Piss off Saint." Win pushes him away, laughing.

"So you'll really pick Bright over me? How depressing."


hope you liked it :)

lemme know what you think ❤

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