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As time passed by, the company was slowly filling up with employees. Areum could feel the tension and bowed to whoever who she made eye contacts with. Adulthood life is so scary.


Areum jumped in her seat and quickly reached out for it.

"Intern Han?"

"Y-yes?" Her eyes wandered and landed on her manager's eyes.

"Manager Lee here, please come into my room for the briefing." Sangyeon said as he motioned her to come in.

"Okay, Manager Lee." She put down the phone and grabbed her notebook.

She jogged to his room and knocked a few times before entering. She bowed and he gestured her to take a seat in front of her.

He then turned his monitor screen, facing her and began sharing on the company background as well as projects she will be working on.

"Ah." She uttered softly for forgetting the most important thing, pen.

"Oh." He reached out one of his pens and passed it to her. "There you go."

"Thank you." She bowed her head and took down notes.

"I'm not expecting you to be good at everything, but do consult me if you face any problems or difficulties." Sangyeon concluded and Areum nodded.

"Do you have any questions to ask?" He added and she shook her head shyly.

"Then I'll introduce you to the rest of our department." He stood up and she followed suit.

She quickly returned the pen in the pen holder and grabbed her notebook. She licked her lips nervously as she walked behind her manager.

He grabbed the handle and opened the door. "It's just 7 of us, don't worry." He reassured with a small smile as he noticed her stiff shoulders.

His alluring smile calmed her down and she followed him out of the room.


It was pretty late evening when Sangyeon reached home. His eyes landed on the couple the moment he took off his shoes.

"Has she eaten yet?" He whispered as he caught Soyeon sleeping on Changmin's lap at the sofa aka Sangyeon's bed.

Changmin shook his head. "She's waiting for you." He whispered back as he gently stroked her hair.

Sangyeon ohh-ed and walked closer. He softly caressed her cheeks.

"Go ahead and wash up, I'll cook dinner." Changmin said receiving a nod from the latter.

Changmin slowly placed Soyeon's head on a cushion then went to the kitchen while Sangyeon went for a wash up.

Right after Changmin had finished cooking, the boyz woke her up.

"Don't you have morning shift tomorrow?" Sangyeon asked as he scooped rice to his bowl.

"Yeah but your twin had her first day of internship today so you know." Changmin chinned to Soyeon's direction.

Sangyeon chuckled. "You're babying her too much." Soyeon scrunched her nose as she chewed on her food.

Changmin shrugged. "Just you wait when you get yourself a girlfriend."

"Oh!" Soyeon exclaimed with her eyes lit. "How's the new intern? A girl right???"

Sangyeon judged her. "Yeah, a girl. Why? You wanna date her?" He cracked a joke.

Soyeon rolled her eyes. "One reason why you're still single."

Changmin agreed by nodding his head with his bloated cheeks full of food. Soyeon glanced and stifled a laugh. She wiped a grain of rice on the side of her boyfriend's mouth making Sangyeon curl his fingers, cringing hard.

"Stob it." Changmin scolded Sangyeon for making disgusting faces. "This is nothing."

"Can't wait for my turn to be doing that." Soyeon commented.

"Lee Soyeon." Sangyeon pressed his lips firmly.

Soyeon slightly pouted. "Sorry." She knew that Sangyeon is a busy person and it's hard for himself to find spare time, what about commitment for a relationship.


"How did your first day went?" Areum's mom asked as they too were having dinner.

"Manager Lee is a really nice person." Areum complimented.

Her mom lifted her eyebrows. "Really? That's great. What about the rest?"

She pondered. "Hard to say as I don't interact with them much and I'm working closely with Manager Lee so..." Her words trailed off.

"Is he handsome??" Her mom teased.

She was baffled at the question. "Quite?" She replied like a question.

Her mom laughed. "Don't disappoint him and do well, hmm?"

She hummed in response then felt vibrations on her side pocket. She fished out her phone and instantly rejected the phone call.

"Who's that?" Her mom asked.

"Spam call. Yeah just a spam call." She faked a smile.

Why is he still bothering me???


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