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Final semester in college flew by peacefully. Jaemin was sent abroad by his family when he was expelled from school. Nevertheless, Yunho was there for Areum especially when it comes to getting to know other students and team projects.

Months later after graduating from college, Areum stepped into her boyfriend's company after so long.

"Welcome back Intern Han!"

Small little bits of confetti flew over Areum's head as the department used the party poppers.

"She's no longer our intern, but our new colleague." One said.

After graduating, Areum had actually applied for a position in the company and she was gladly accepted by the higher ups. She has returned as a full time employee and that will never stop Sangyeon from smiling happily. He watched with his loving gaze from a distance as his colleagues welcomed Areum back to their department.

"Alright, I think we better start cleaning up or we will get kicked out." Sangyeon joked.

Areum controlled her laugh as she began to pick up the confetti on the floor.

One cleared his throat and everyone stood straight, bowing in respecting his position.

"Now that I've approved to accept her back, could you guys clarify your relationship?" Director Yang wiggled his eyebrows darting to Sangyeon, being the only one who was wary of the existing couple.

Everyone except for the stunned couple was very confused. Sangyeon choked on his saliva and Areum instantly passed him a glass of water. She then soothed his back as he drank the water. Took them awhile to actually notice pairs of eyes landed on them.


Sangyeon placed the cup on the table as he faked some cough while Areum was literally blushing as she hid behind him. "We are dating." He muttered softly earning chaos from the department.

Their colleagues cooed as they congratulated the couple.


Weeks later after Areum was employed, Sangyeon visited her mom and formally introduced himself as her boyfriend.

"I knew you two would be very compatible." Mom said that made Sangyeon rub his nape in embarrassment.

Mom then told him to wait in the living room as the women prepared food. He nervously waited at the couch with his feet tapping on the cold hard floor. Areum managed to catch that sight of him that she chuckled to herself.

"Why?" Her mom teased.

"Nothing~" She sang.

They then served the dishes one by one, back and forth from kitchen table to dining table in the living room. Sangyeon awkwardly stood there as he was so ready to lend help but was rejected.

"Okay let's eat~" Mom chimed and the couple waited for mom to eat first then they started digging in.

Mom then placed some meat on Sangyeon's spoon, shooting her smile.

"Thank you, Aunt." Sangyeon slightly bowed his head in return.

"Just call me mom~"

Sangyeon smiled, shooting his crescent eyes. "Thank you, mom."

Is this what it calls family? He ate as he immersed himself in the mother and daughter's conversation. He was not sad, he felt lucky and fortunate to have Areum as his girlfriend. She welcomed him to the world of romance and family, totally stepping out of his busy bee world.

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