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"You're late." Soyeon furrowed her eyebrows.

Sangyeon snorted and removed his shoes. "Still earlier than any other days."

"True." Changmin chirped in as he was eating some snacks.

Soyeon rolled her eyes. "Why do I keep forgetting you guys are besties..." She grumbled in annoyance.

Sangyeon stifled a laugh as he walked to the living room where the couple was. "You guys wouldn't have met if it's not for me." He then messed with Soyeon's hair.

Soyeon slapped his hand away and glared at her twin, making the latter laugh again along with Changmin's bloated cheeks of snacks. He sure enjoys the twin's bickering.

Sangyeon went to place his stuff on his desk. "Are you here to baby my twin?" He asked Changmin with a tint of sarcasm.

"I went to fetch her and waiting for you to be back but took you so long." Changmin explained.

"I was- Ah right, hold up." Sangyeon then remembered his intern. 

He fished out his phone from his pocket and quickly sent messages. Changmin could careless and just continued munching while Soyeon darted her eyes at the male who had a small smile creeped on his face.

"Okay done, so as I was saying- Why are you staring at me like that?" Sangyeon furrowed his eyebrows when he met Soyeon's gaze.

Soyeon then lifted her hand and pointed at his phone. "You were smiling."

"I can't even smile?" Sangyeon asked, shocked at the statement that he looked at his friend for help.

Changmin only shrugged.

"Who's that?" Soyeon asked who he was texting to.

It was for sure Sangyeon was not texting in their group chat and he was all serious when it comes to work. So Soyeon was really curious about the person behind that managed to make his twin smile even for a millisecond.

Sangyeon rolled his eyes. "My intern, why?" He chinned up like a thug.

Soyeon ohh-ed as she contained her playful smile. "Go and shower you stinky ass."

"Geez." Sangyeon clicked his tongue but obeyed her words. "What the hell!? Why are you here???"

Hyungseo popped out of nowhere that scared the shit out of him. Truth was Hyungseo came together with the couple and was taking a big dump when Sangyeon returned home.

"Just let me stay over since tomorrow is weekend." Hyungseo patted Sangyeon's shoulder and casually walked past to the sofa, treating the place like his own home.

Sangyeon snorted. "Right you guys interning together." He shook his head and went to take a shower.


Areum was cursing at herself for sending such a huge sticker to her own manager. She rolled on her bed till she heard notification.

"Omg!" She exclaimed when her manager replied seconds later

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"Omg!" She exclaimed when her manager replied seconds later. "He looks scary when doing work yet he's soft inside... Is he a turtle?" She mumbled to herself as she reread the whole short conversation for dozens of times.

"Han Areum!" She blushed as she remembered Sangyeon calling her by her full name instead of 'Intern Han'.

She then slapped herself to snap back to reality. How does he know my internship company??

A long sigh escaped from her mouth as she cracked her brain in dealing with her ex-boyfriend, Na Jaemin. The couple met during their freshman year and dated since then until Areum could not take his obsession any longer.

That's right, Jaemin was too obsessive and possessive of her during their relationship to the point that she could not even make a single friend.

1. Girls were all afraid of him.
2. Guys were afraid too.

After breaking up a few months before internship began, Areum changed her contact number which made her feel peaceful for a moment. Not until Jaemin managed to find her contact recently and even her internship company.

How am I supposed to escape now?

The only safe place for her was her home since she lived with her mom and Jaemin does not have the gut to. Thankfully. But she can't just stay at home 24/7 either. She pondered hard for hours, eventually drifting off to sleep.


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