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"She must be draining from work..."

Just when the sound of footsteps faded, Areum pulled down her blanket she was using to cover herself. She was already awake yet she didn't feel like waking up when she remembered drinking and collapsed right after. She doesn't even want to think how she got home. 

How embarrassing!! And she kicked her blanket in frustration.

Intern Han? Areum-ah? We are going now.

She paused as she recalled her manager's voice. Tint of roses flushed on her cheeks and pulled the blanket up to her face. His voice was soothing and he called by my name again.

Just when she was reminiscing the memories, she coughed out of sudden. Is someone talking about me? There is an old saying, when you coughed out of nowhere means someone is talking about you. But is it true? (I have no idea but I always hear about this from my parents and relatives lol)

But oh well, indeed she was being mentioned by her manager's twin.

"How's it like supervising an intern?" Soyeon blurted out that it caught everyone's attention.

Pairs of eyes landed on Sangyeon. He opened his mouth then closed it back.

"Is she pretty?" Sunwoo wiggled his eyebrows.

"Is she young?" Hyunjun added.

"Is she rich?" Youngjae continued which received disapproval looks from the rest. He pouted and hid behind Juyeon.

Sangyeon then darted his gaze at Soyeon for starting it and she raised her arms in surrender. "My question is not really about her but you."

Fact, she was only asking about supervising an intern, not how the intern was. Sangyeon rubbed his temple. "Well, similar to other employees just need extra supervision. How about you?"

"What about me?" She questioned much without thinking.

Hyungseo threw a cushion right at her face. "How's your internship, dumbass."

She glared and placed the cushion on her lap. "It's okay I guess." She shrugged.

"Just the higher ups seem to compare us a lot." Hyungseo added which Soyeon agreed by nodding her head.

"That sucks." 

"When are you going to Changmin's hometown again?" 


"Wait wHUT." Hyungseo shrieked. "You're leaving me alone?????" 

The boyz laughed. "Don't you want to be free from her?" Sunwoo said.

Soyeon threw back the cushion which the latter caught with his quick reflex. "I told you the day before."

"oH? You did?" Hyungseo pulled off his meme face.

Soyeon was this close to punch Hyungseo but her twin butted in.

"I'm going on a business trip on Monday too but I'll be back on Saturday so feel free to stay over at your boyfriend's place."

Soyeon saluted. "Yessir."


It was Monday that Areum did not know whether to look forward to it or not. Partly she was embarrassed by the dinner but she wanted to see him as much as she could before she missed the sight of him. 

She was informed by her manager that he would be going on business trip in the late evening. Also not forgetting to advise her to go with the crowds or with colleagues when she gets off work.

She had her lunch pretty early as she missed her breakfast and so when she returned back to the office, it was pretty empty. 

The silence ambience was soon broken with the sound of footsteps. 

Who is she? Areum had her eyes on an unfamiliar face in a casual outfit. "Doesn't seem to be an employee here though..." She mumbled to herself and resumed her work.

Just then the unknown stranger stopped right in front of Sangyeon's room which caught Areum's attention again. Could it be, Manager's Lee girlfriend?

"Oh?" Areum perked upon his manager's voice. 

Sangyeon grinned and ruffled Soyeon's hair, earning a death stare from the latter. Sangyeon actually forgot to bring his bag of clothing and the kind Soyeon dropped by before she went to visit Changmin's hometown.

"I could have dropped by later." Sangyeon said as he pushed his door and they entered.

"I'm meeting Changmin somewhere nearby here so it's fine." Soyeon explained as she passed the bag to her twin.

"Thanks~ Have you eaten your lunch? Or are you eating with him?" He asked while she explored his room.

"With him. What about you?" She replied as she sat comfortably on his chair while Sangyeon leaned on the cabinet with his arms folded.


She rolled her eyes. "You sure love your office more than anything else." 

He stifled a laugh. "Nonsense."

She then shifted her gaze. "Anyways, the one sitting directly in front of you is your intern?"

He hummed in response. And before he could say anything else, Soyeon received a call from Changmin.

"Looks like I'm going now." She stood up and Sangyeon opened the door for her.

"Let me walk out with you." 

He was about to follow but she waved without looking back. "Nah."

Areum scrunched her nose. Guess, I don't even have the chance. She's too pretty. She had her bitter smile plastered on her face as she watched the interactions between the siblings.

Just then their eyes met. 

Soyeon was the first to break it and kept her playful smile to herself as she walked away. She's whipped for my brother.

Areum slumped down in her seat just from the eye contacts. She was too stunned and afraid by the infamous cold eyes Soyeon owned which Soyeon unintentionally showed it. I'm caught and I'm dead.


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