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Areum woke up from her slumber with a morning text. Her lips twitched upwards as she read from her phone.

"OucH!" She shrieked at the contact of her mom's palm on her butt

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"OucH!" She shrieked at the contact of her mom's palm on her butt. "Mommm!" She whined as she rubbed her butt.

"Are you not gonna get ready anytime soon?" Mom nagged and slapped her back continuously.

"Owh owh okok!" Areum got her ass off her bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Mom shook her head and tidied the messy bed.

Despite getting nagged by her mom, Areum still came earlier than her manager. She switched on the lights, which was what Sangyeon always does before she entered the company, and settled down at her desk.

"You're so early, Intern Han." Sangyeon commented, breaking the silence which caught her off guard.

She placed her hand over her chest and bowed politely. How many times does he want to see me getting startled because of him?

"You know you don't have to stay until 6 if you're this early." Sangyeon added.

She ahh-ed as lightly scratched her head with her pointy finger.

"Don't overwork yourself. Just keep me informed if you're unable to keep track of the workload." He continued and motioned her to sit down.

She bowed and sat after he had turned his heels to head to his room. That irony, he's the one pushing the limit. Or is that cause he's a manager?

It was only a week that she had already learnt about her manager. She was usually about 10 to 15 minutes earlier than him, yet even if she left a bit later than usual, he would still be there doing his work.

Except for Friday, Sangyeon indeed gets off work later than everyone else.

Seeing his hardworking since early in the morning, Areum stood up and walked to the pantry. She prepared warm tea for herself and her manager.

She knocked onto the door and entered when Sangyeon told her to come in. With her awkward shy smile, she approached closer with the tea in her hands and placed it down on his table.

"Oh wow, thank you Intern Han." Sangyeon gave her his infamous crescent eye smiles.

There we go again. Areum heart skipped a beat with just that crescent eyes. She calmly returned back to her seat and squealed behind her computer.


20 minutes left on the clock and Intern Han was rushing to complete her work.

"Intern Han." He came just to startle her every single time.

"Yes, Manager Lee?" She questioned after she had regained from her little shock.

"Start packing up and-" Sangyeon looked at his wrist watch then shifted back his gaze at the girl. "I'll see you in 5 minutes."

"Oh...?" She was then left dumbfounded as he jogged to the director's room.

Minutes later, Sangyeon came back and checked whether she had already packed her belongings. "Alright let's go."

"Huh? Where to..?" Her words trailed off as she absentmindedly followed her manager's lead who was empty handed.

Sangyeon pressed the lift button and they got in. "You're not going home tonight?" He asked, jokingly. "I'll walk with you to the bus stop." He continued.

Areum ohh-ed, finally getting her senses back. For a moment, she had forgotten that she was told to leave early if she clocked in early and also the Jaemin incident at the bus stop.

"Thank you, Manager Lee." She bowed her head. "Are you... Perhaps going back office?" She questioned.

He hummed in response and led her out of the building. "Let me know if you spot him anywhere." He muttered softly.

They walked, side by side along the pavement that brought them to the bus stop. Since not many people had left office yet, there were available seats.

Sangyeon took the seat followed by his intern. "Ah right, there's company dinner on this Friday by the way. We will be heading there together from the office." He explained and she nodded. "Do you drink?"

And she shook her head. "I get tipsy easily and ko-ed very fast." She sheepishly smiled.

"Ahh then that's good, at least another sober soul to help me afterwards." He returned his genuine smile and she almost drawn into his eyes when her bus came in sight. "Your bus." Sangyeon pointed and she bowed once again before boarding the bus.

Sangyeon watched her getting on board safely then returned back to office to do his work. If only she knew we're of the same age.


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