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Days have passed since Sangyeon left for the business trip. Areum could not help but to look at his now empty room.

Stop Areum. He already has a girlfriend.

She reminded herself and recomposed by taking deep breaths. 

Any good movies to watch?

She started to surf the internet as she took some break from her work. She planned to watch with her mom in the cinema on the weekends as a distraction. She felt the need to stop herself from falling too deep.


Weekdays flew too slow for Areum while it went too fast when Sangyeon was there.

As she was waiting for her mom at the cinema, she caught an unfamiliar yet familiar person at the ticket booth. W-wait what? She's a player?

Such coincidence, yet again, Soyeon and Changmin were having their dates. And they were purchasing tickets. As if she could feel the stare burning through her soul, Soyeon turned behind and caught Areum standing near the pillar.

Areum instantly looked elsewhere as she quickly fished out her phone and started using it. She vigorously spammed her own mom to hurry up.

Soyeon still had her eyes on the poor girl. She then felt a nudge on her side. She shifted her gaze and met her boyfriend's eyes.

"The seats here... Okay?" Changmin asked for approval and she nodded.

Once they got the tickets, she brought her feet to the panicking girl which was followed blindly by her boyfriend.

"You're Sangyeon's intern right?" Soyeon bluntly asked.

"What?" Changmin, who was keeping the receipt in his wallet, looked up and caught the awkward atmosphere in the air.

Is she going to threaten me to keep her mouth shut and not tell Manager Lee about her cheating? Areum thought as she fiddled with her fingers, feeling uncomfortable and anxious.

Soyeon was also surprised by her direct question, she was not the kind of person to approach others. But oh well, since it had already happened, might as well continue.

She cleared her throat. "Well I mean if you are and if you like him. Just go for it."

Changmin coughed on his own saliva. He totally did not expect his girlfriend to be that direct. "Aren't you going too far?" He leaned closer and whispered.

"I'm sorry?" Areum was literally lost. 

"Ah, I'm his twin." Soyeon finally introduced herself.

"Oh." And that's all that came out from Areum's mouth.

Soyeon nodded with another round of awkward silence. "Enjoy the movie. And approach him boldly if you can." She muttered softly towards the end and took her leave.

Changmin awkwardly laughed. "Uhh, my girlfriend is actually worried sick for your manager's love life so yes. Sorry." He lowkey rapped and left Areum dumbfounded, catching up with Soyeon's pace.

Okay wait, so he's single?

Areum winced in pain when she was being slapped by her mom. "Mom!" She hissed as she rubbed the pain on her shoulder.

"You were staring blankly and ignored me when I was calling you!" Her mom nagged.

"Okay okay sorry sorry you don't have to yell. People are looking." Areum calmed her mom down as she was being wary of the attention given.


"He's not coming back today

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"He's not coming back today." Soyeon slightly pouted.

Changmin gave a light pinch on her cheek. "I'm not working tomorrow."

Soyeon's eyes lit upon hearing it. "Oh right!" She beamed. "I guess one more night at your place then?"

He gave his approval nod as he gently patted her head. "Anyways, were you not too direct to that intern?"

"Ah.." She scratched her head with her sheepish smile. "Did I scare her?"

"Silly, of course you did." He snickered.

She clicked her tongue. "I didn't mean to though."

He shrugged. "How'd you know by the way?"

"It's called woman instinct." She answered and Changmin lifted his eyebrow, totally judging her. She rolled her eyes. "I mean, I caught her stealing glances the other day I dropped by their office."

"She's whipped for him huh?" Changmin smirked.





And he was pushed aside by the aggressive girlfriend.


Next day, Areum was seen happy as she was returning home with some grocery bags in her hands. 

She could not contain her excitement to see him on the next day. To add on, she was given the approval by the chic twin to go for it. Who wouldn't be so happy?

But her happiness did not last when he showed up.



➶➶➶➶➶ ©ғʟᴜғғʏʀɪᴄ ➷➷➷➷➷
A/N: new tbz book (dumb me for forgetting to promote in this book)
❥Her Brothers ⚘ Younghoon

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