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"Mom, I'm home!" Areum greeted as she got home.

"Oh Areum-ah, you're back?" Her mom popped up from the kitchen with her motherly smile.

Intern Han or Areum is the only child and was raised by her single mother in a cozy apartment.

She hummed in response and walked to her mom's side who was cooking. "I got this instead of the usual brand we always get." She showed the items she bought from her grocery shopping to her mom.

"Is it expensive?" Mom asked and Areum shook her head.

"It's a 1+1 deal." She shot her sheepish smile.

Mom laughed and ruffled her daughter's hair. "Silly, go and shower then have dinner."

"Okay~" Areum sang and left her mom's side.


"Gurl, wake up!"

Soyeon groaned in annoyance.

Hyungseo rolled his eyes and shook her body. "Time for dinner piggy."

"That's Haknyeon..." She mumbled and was pulled out of her bed.

She was literally dragged by Hyungseo down the stairs and joined the boyz in the living room. All of them scattered around with food in the middle.

With closed eyes, she slowly munched on her food.

"Don't you need to wake up early for tomorrow's internship?" Sunwoo shot her a question that woke her up.

She clicked her tongue, almost forgotten about it. "Right, damn it."

Sangyeon knocked on her head. "You slept too much."

She huffed. "I need to catch up on my sleep to be productive for internship." She reasoned out.

"Excuses." Hyungseo mocked.

She then pointed at Hyungseo. "Why are you still here?"

Hyungseo scoffed. "Why? Not happy to see me?"

The boyz laughed. These two happened to get into the same company and same department so they will be seeing each other everyday again.

"Please continue to take care of her during the internship." Sangyeon joked.

"Ugh even Changmin said the same thing." Hyungseo grunted.

Chanhee who sat beside Soyeon, nudged her side. "Isn't your boyfriend jealous? That dude gets to see you everyday."

Soyeon chuckled in speechless. "He's more of like thankful that Hyungseo is by my side or he would have hired someone to spy on me in school and all."

"Honestly, same." Sangyeon nodded in agreement.

"But the pressure on me is too much!" Hyungseo wailed while the rest laughed.

True enough, not only boyfriend but also the twin of Soyeon.


"Tomorrow is the start of internship right?" Areum's mom asked.

Areum nodded as she chewed on her food. "I'm so nervous." She squealed in her spot.

Her mom smiled softly. "You will do just fine~"

"Hope so, I went to search for my reporting officer's profile and he looks so scary. He's a manager too." She ended her whine with a sad pout on her lips.

"Don't judge its book by it's cover." Her mom scolded her.

She pursed her lips. "Fineee." She dragged her word.


Waking up from an upset tummy, Areum left early to her internship company with much anxiety. She looked around the big company and took a seat near the receptionist area.

She yawned like a hungry lion and stretched her body to keep her awake. Eventually her head kept bobbing back and forth, slowly dozing off to sleep.

And before she realized it, one entered the company.

"Intern Han?"

She bolted up and bowed to the person in front of her multiple times. "Hello, I'm the new intern."

Soft chuckles could be heard and she looked up to meet the crescent eyes under the dim light whom she thought supposedly belonged to the scary manager.

"You're early." Sangyeon shot his kind smile. "Let's go in, I'll show you around."

Mom was right, don't judge its book by its cover. "O-okay." She was so nervous that she stuttered.

Sangyeon went to switch on the lights which was part of his usual routine then led her to their department office.

He showed their pantry and the different departments allocations.

"Uhmm..." Sangyeon hummed as he was trying to find Intern Han's desk. "Ah, this should be your space." He pointed at an empty desk with a computer, telephone and her name tag.

"Oh thank you, Manager Lee." She bowed politely.

"Just rest, I'll call you later for a short meeting." Sangyeon smiled.

Areum bowed once again and watched his back figure entering a room that can be seen through by the glass door. She slowly sat down and peeked over her computer to see her manager settling down and began on his work.

Can't deny that he's attractive when he's busy.

She was sleepy minutes ago but with the appearance of her manager totally woke her up.


Manager Lee ⚘ Lee Sangyeon ✓ Where stories live. Discover now