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It was already almost the end of the week and Areum almost forgot his existence.


Areum hastily rejected the phone call and apologized. Sangyeon nodded and continued with their discussion on the project.


Their discussion was interrupted once again by the vibration of her phone call.

"Intern Han, you can answer, it seems urgent." Sangyeon motioned Areum to answer.

"Oh no, it's not. Just a spam call. I'm sorry, Manager Lee." She faked a smile and quickly mute her phone instead. I'm scared.

Sangyeon pressed his lips firmly. "Alright then." He shrugged it off and continued with their discussion.

Areum, who had been diligent in her work for the past few days, was hoping that her manager would not mark her down cause of the disturbing phone calls. Of course she believed that her manager is a kind person but she was still insecure. She really wants to do well in her internship.

Right after the meeting, Areum left her manager's room and she walked to her desk with heavy footsteps. She placed her notebook and phone on the table then heaved a long inaudible sigh.

17 missed calls? He's crazy...

She looked around and right after she had ensured that no one was looking, she quickly used her phone to block the number.


"Intern Han." Sangyeon tapped softly on the high separator of her desk.

Areum almost jumped in her seat with the sudden appearance of her manager.

Sangyeon lightly chuckled and chinned to the side. "It's already 5.30, don't you want to go home?"

"Oh?" Areum tilted her head in dazed.

"We end half an hour earlier on Fridays." He explained when he noticed her clueless look.

She blinked her eyes multiple times in disbelief. Not that she was not aware of it, but she had completely forgotten about it.

"Ah, right.. I'll get off work soon." She bowed. "Thank you for the reminder, Manager Lee."

He smiled. "No worries, have a good weekend."

She bowed once again and watched his broad shoulders getting further from her sight. She then quickly saved her work and packed up to get off work.


As she listened to music with her earbuds, Areum strolled her way to the nearest bus stop.

She was too engrossed in her phone to realize something was off. A hand slipped to her hand and she almost screamed when another hand was placed on her mouth.

"Scream and I'll kill you." He whispered, only for her to hear.

Trembling in fear, she nodded her head and he let go of his hand on her mouth. He then pulled her closer by the waist and held her tight.

"Why did you block me?" He muttered softly but it was too scary for her. She knew he was mad.

"P-please leave me alone, Jaemin please..." She stammered on her words, begging for her freedom.

He snorted. "Don't make me laugh, Areum-ah."

A small gasp escaped from her mouth when he strengthened his grip on her waist. Closing her eyes shut, a tear rolled down her face. Someone please help me...

Everyone was minding their own business, with phones in their grasp. To add on, Jaemin was holding on to her like what couples would normally do. If only people pay attention to Areum's facial expressions and body gestures, they would definitely catch her struggling.

Just when she prayed, honking could be heard. She flicked her eyes open and a car was stopped right in front of her. The tinted windows rolled down revealing her life saviour, Manager Lee.

"Han Areum, hop off!" Sangyeon motioned her to get in.

She was still frozen in her spot. She wanted to get free from Jaemin but he was still holding tight.

"Excuse me sir, but her mom called to fetch her back so could you please back off??" Sangyeon added.

With that, many pairs of eyes landed on them. Warying of the attention, Jaemin loosened his grip and Areum seized the opportunity. She got out of his grasp and dashed to Sangyeon's car.

She quickly boarded his car and buckled up so her manager could drive off to avoid any jam since they were at the bus stop. She turned behind and caught Jaemin scurrying away from the scene.

She turned back and looked down. Her controlled tears were finally released and she quickly wiped it off before it was seen.

"There are tissues inside the compartment." Sangyeon said with his hands fixed on the steering wheels and eyes on the road.

He knew there was no point in asking if she's okay cause obviously she's not. And so, he let her cool down first.

"Oh." Areum opened the compartment and took some of the tissues before closing back the compartment. She wiped away her tears and tried to regain composure.

Sangyeon may be busy driving, but his eyes kept going back and forth to check on the girl. "I'm sorry but which way is to your house?"

"Ah, take the first lane until the next junction then turn right." Areum explained.

"Alright." Sangyeon replied and the silence took over.

It was rather comfortable and peaceful for both. He was giving her the space which she completely needed it and thankful for.

"That's the one." She pointed at the sight of her apartment.

Sangyeon stopped in front of her apartment and she bowed. "Thank you, Manager Lee. I really appreciate your help."

"Text or call me if you ever need a lift. I'll text you later." He replied.

She felt it was a burden and so she declined the offer but he shook his head.

"He was the one bothering you with the calls, isn't he?"

Areum was taken aback like how he even knew or guessed it right. "Yeah..." She hanged her head down.

"Exactly why I have to do this, I won't allow any mistreatment to my fellow colleagues."

"Understood, Manager Lee. I'm sorry for the trouble once again." She apologized as she fiddled with her fingers.

He gave his reassurance smile and motioned her to get home before the dark sky took over.


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