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"Why surprise?" Jaemin evilly laughed then changed to a dead serious face. "You should have known me better, Areum."

"We broke up, please stop." Areum pleaded as she slowly took a few steps back.

He snorted in his place. "Never did I ever agree to that."

She was taken aback. "You said 'fine' the other day!" She burst then when she noticed the anger in Jaemin's eyes, she began to fidget in her place. "And left right after.. You did that.." She said in her tiny voice.

He scooted closer and forcefully grabbed her wrist. "You're coming with me." He firmly said and started pulling her.

She tried to yank away but he was too strong, literally dragging her away.

Someone please just help...

As if one could hear her pray, Jaemin was pulled back by his shoulder and was slapped right across his cheek.

Areum turned and Soyeon was shooting daggers at the male. Soyeon then removed Jaemin's loosened grip on Areum's wrist and pulled Areum behind her.

"Who the fk are you??!" Soyeon blew up.

Soyeon was returning home from her boyfriend's place and such coincidence yet again, she saw Jaemin dragging Areum.

Jaemin was mad and he snorted. "I punch girls too." He shot his evil grin.

Soyeon was not going to lie, she was afraid deep down in her heart but she kept her cold sharp gaze on the male right in front of her.

"Jaemin, please don't. Stop." Areum begged and tried to wiggle her way to jump in between Soyeon and Jaemin but Soyeon was firm in her defensive posture.

Jaemin then grabbed Soyeon by the scruff of her shirt and pulled her closer. He raised his eyebrows. "Don't you dare to butt in my matter with Areum." And he shoved her harshly to the side.

Soyeon winced silently as she fell to the ground and Areum gasped in shock. She dashed to Soyeon's side but was soon dragged away from Jaemin once again. "Stop testing my patience, Areum."

"Stop testing my patience too, douchebag."

Jaemin turned behind and suddenly a fist smashed into his jaw, sending him sprawling on the ground. "What the fk!??" He groaned in frustration.

Before he could even get his feet up, Changmin went on top and punched even more.

Changmin was trying to catch up with Soyeon as she had left her belongings behind at his place. What a timing to have witnessed his girl being thrown on the floor harshly.

"Changmin stop!" Soyeon yelled and grabbed Changmin's waist. "Girl, go and get the security! Quick!"

Areum was quick to obey and ran in search of the nearby apartment's security guard.

Jaemin perked upon the word security and struggled his way out of Changmin's grasp. He threw a punch on Changmin's face and scurried away.

Changmin was about to chase but Soyeon held on his waist even tighter. With her eyes shut, she stopped her boyfriend by back hugging. "Please, stop." Her faint voice softened Changmin's anger.

After he had regained his calm, he softly grabbed her hands which were on his waist. "I'm sorry." He slowly turned and cupped her face. "I'm okay." He reassured his girlfriend.

She scrunched her nose and lightly punched his chest. "You went too far."

He nodded his head in agreement. "I'm sorry for that. I won't do that again. Are you okay?"

She nodded her head. "Let's find that intern."


"It's just for awhile!" Areum was begging the security guard to help yet he refused cause he could not leave the room empty.

"It's the rules, I can't leave until another security comes back." The security guard was slowly getting annoyed as Areum got impatient.

"Intern, it's okay. He got away." Soyeon butted in the conversation.

Areum was speechless and sunk down in defeat.

"Who is he?" Soyeon continued.

"M-my ex." Areum sighed and explained the relationship between them.

"Do you live in this neighbourhood?" Changmin asked and she nodded. "Then show your ex picture to the security." He suggested then shifted his gaze at the security guard. "That should work right?"

The security guard nodded. "I'll share with the nearby patrol security to be alert of your ex."

They sighed in relief and settled their plan. They then moved to the nearby park.

"We need to exchange phone numbers." Soyeon sternly said as she fished out her phone and gave it to Areum.

Areum typed her numbers then returned back her phone. "Thank you for today. I'm really thankful." She felt indebted to the twins for saving her from her ex.

She realized they may have that scary aura but deep inside they are both kind hearted people.

"He lives across this neighbourhood so if there's anything, he can help." Soyeon explained and Areum nodded. "We will get going then, take care."

Areum watched the couple's back view getting further from her sight. Why do I keep getting other people involved in my matter?


"Oh?" Soyeon blurted out as she spotted her brother's shoe at the doorstep.

"Why are you- What the shit??? You fell??!" Sangyeon scrutinized her small wounds on her arms.

She nervously laughed, not wanting her twin to find out the truth but she knew she had to explain either way.

"She's a warrior." Changmin teased and made his way into the house.

Soyeon clicked her tongue.

"Wait in the living room, I'll go get the first aid." Sangyeon commanded.

"Can't I wash up first?" She asked as she took some steps to the living room.

"No!" Sangyeon yelled.

He came back soon after and started treating her wounds. He was so oblivious to realize that the couple actually fought with someone. It was pretty quiet and Soyeon had no idea on how she should bring the matter up.

After a long moment of silence, she finally gathered her words. "I met your intern."

"And?" Sangyeon questioned back without leaving his eyes on the wounds.

"She's pretty cute." Changmin added which in returned received a death stare from his girlfriend. "Oops, okay sorry continue boss."

"No-wait." Sangyeon abruptly stopped and squinted his eyes at the corner of Changmin's lips. "Who the hell did you guys fight with?"

Shit. The couple thought.


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