Your Knight in Shining Armor!

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Hazel's P.O.V

Today I was not late. I calmly waited outside for the bus. I kept glancing on  the side, don't know why, but expecting Arthur to come even today to leave me. I sighed and smacked myself internally on the head.

Wait a second, why am I always thinking about him? I seriously need a life!

I saw the bus approach. I went in as I glanced out the window for the last time, just expecting him to at least show up.

As I entered the school, I felt someone wrap a hand around my shoulder. I looked and smiled as I saw Gina walking along with me.

"So..." Gina said.

"So..." I asked mimicking her. She rolled her eyes at me as I grinned at her.

  "How did it go with the player? Did something happen in the car?" She asked eagerly, as we walked to my locker. Gina and mine lockers were quite close.

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes at her. "What?! Does any girl who comes with him in his car, get laid on by him?!" I scoffed.

"Well..." Gina said, with a mischievous smile, "He actually never lets anyone enter his car. Once a chick tried to sit in his car. Arthur had almost slapped her. It was quite a scene! From that day, nobody even dares to go near his car!"

"That is why everyone was gasping when I sat in the car!" I realized. "But, why me?" 

"Seems like someone is special!" Gina said in a sing song voice. I smacked her arm. She rubbed it, but that silly grin didn't wipe off from her face.

I heard the bell ring. I pulled out my books as I dragged her to the class. 

"We are not done yet!" She whispered.

As the bell rang for the recess, I quickly stuffed my books in and rushed towards the cafeteria. I might be a nerd, but trust me, you don't want to keep me hungry! Not the best place to meddle with!

I grabbed my tray as I waited impatiently for Gina. We quickly sat down as I had the my food. Gina looked at me and shook her head.

"So! Details! Spill lady!" Gina said, as she slid her chair near mine.

I told her everything that happened yesterday, from us fighting over love to him hearing me sing.

"OH MY GOD!" Gina exclaimed as she squealed. I smacked her arm, in attempt to stop her from getting us any more stares.

"Shut up Gina! Seriously!" I huffed.

She quietened down, but couldn't stop smiling. "You both are so fucking cute! You fought about love! He praised your singing! YOU. SANG. FOR. HIM! You know what, I wouldn't be surprised if he proposes to you till the next week!"

Seriously, we need to level down the Disney movies! Gina and I are obsessed with them, but seems like she truly believes in a Disney movie!

I laughed at her sarcastically, as I saw her staring at me. Suddenly, I realized that she was looking behind me. I turned to see Arthur and Liam approach our table. Liam sat beside Gina, while Arthur sat beside me. Arthur slowly slid his chair near mine.

Not freaking out at all! Hazel, you are not freaking out with the school player, who looks like a celebrity, sitting with you, beside you to be exact!

Calm down... 

Okay fine! I am freaking out! AAAAAH!

"Why are you guys sitting here?" Gina blurted out. I glared at her, as she sank in her chair. 

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