Trust Me Always!

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Hazel's P.O.V

"So what do you plan on getting for him?" mom asked, as I was wearing my sandals.

"I don't know, a watch, I guess?" I said, shrugging. 

"You can gift some headphones..." dad pointed out. They both were having a play date with Arthur's family tomorrow, so they were more than happy to have me in a party with my friends, rather than at home, all alone. 

I know, I have got kinda cool parents...

I nodded as I rushed out. I was about to open my car, when I heard, "Oh Hazel dear! Our car has some ignition problems, Arthur had said that he would pick you up and drop you home. I just remembered!"

Thanks dad for not telling me before that I have to go in the car with my crush where he has never taken anyone! THANKS DAD!

I gave him a fake smile and waved him goodbye. I waited at his porch. He came out in a minute and grinned as he saw me.

"Ready marshmallow?" He smirked.

"Not got a real choice jerk!" I smiled sweetly.

We got in the car as I quickly grabbed the aux cord. Arthur groaned as I laughed evilly. I put on a Taylor Swift playlist. It started with 'Ours'.

"Did you tell your parents about the camp?" I asked hesitatingly.

He quietly nodded. 

"What did they say?"

"They were glad! They didn't even know that I know how to sing! They were... really happy for me!" He said slowly, as if regretting it.

"You are not happy?"

"I am not sure if I want to go. Finally my life was getting better, now I don't think I want to change that."

We were quiet afterwards.

 "If it is worth anything, then I think you should go. I would love it if you do. Surely I would be sad, but at last I would be glad that you took the chance!"

"You are worth more to me than you can ever imagine marshmallow!" Arthur smiled. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach having a field trip in there!

We reached the mall. Gina and Liam were waiting at the escalators. 

"Where is Emma?" I asked.

"She is coming to the party?" Arthur asked surprised.

"Oh yeah! She was the first one to be invited!" Gina said, grinning. I looked at her and grinned.

The guys looked at us like we had cracked. 

"Anyways, she has some work. So she is just gonna join us in like 15 minutes!" Gina completed. 

"What is it? Why were you and Gina grinning?" Arthur whispered.

"You will be mad!" I said in a sing song voice. 

"I... I won't! Promise!" He pleaded. I laughed. He can get so cute with his pout face.

"Well... it looks like Keith has a crush on Emma! And MAYBE Emma does too!" I said exclaiming.

"What! How dare he? If he even fucking thinks about my sister in a wrong way, I promise I will fucking-!" Arthur was almost screaming. 

"You promised you won't be mad! Don't make me regret telling you!" I threatened. He quietened down, but he surely was still angry, which made me laugh.

"You can even be an overprotective brother! That is really cute!" I whispered.

This made Arthur grin, "Did you call me cute marshmallow?"

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