I love you more than a hundred pizzas dad!

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Hazel's P.O.V

 You know what, you can check yourself then. Let's just say, his phone has more secrets than an Agatha Christie's novel!

Please stay away from Trace!

I jerked up, drenched with sweat. My hands and feet had gone cold. I hugged the covers around me tightly, taking in the warmth. I heard someone knock on the door. I asked them to come in. The door flew open as my dad walked in.

"You okay angel? I heard you screaming in your dreams. Must have been a really bad nightmare. You know, you can't do anything, and it is all done-" I cut him short with a hug. He hugged me back as I think I heard him sniffle.

"Don't worry dad, it was not about Jason. It does not haunt me, not anymore! It is... just school." I sighed. He smiled at me as he sat close to me and I snuggled into him. His hands held me protectively.

I liked the feeling, it felt safe in here. I didn't really have such time with dad after Jason. He also distanced himself from boxing. After many days did I feel like sitting close to him and trust that he is there to protect me from all the harm of the world, and he won't let anything happen to his little angel. 

"What is it in school? Anything serious?" Dad asked.

"Just... all is a kind of spiral. Nothing seems right. I... I liked a guy but broke up with him because he cheated on me. Then I came to know it was a ruse but still I didn't actually trust him. 

Then I got in a relationship with another guy. He is all sweet and caring, but the problem is I tend to think always about the first guy, even if I want to avoid him. He is seriously a jerk, but I can't forget him, neither can I ignore him. He says he likes me, but I am scared. I don't know if it is true. All seems like a lie now.

 Now this guy I am dating now, he seems to be hiding something. I... if it is true, I might break up with him. Anyways I didn't have any real feelings for him. But I don't even understand how do I feel about the first guy. I don't know what it is, it is all a haywire. I don't understand what I am feeling, or what it actually is... I am scared and confused dad. What do I feel for him?" I told him almost everything, but didn't go in details since I didn't want to scare him or worry him.

"Hmm. Well, that is confusing, but maybe because you are making it confusing! It is kinda obvious that you have no real feelings for the second guy, because you are not over the first guy, and it seems like he is not either!" He grinned.

"That... that is not true! Yeah, maybe I don't feel anything for the second guy, but I surely know that this guy has no feelings for me, and I don't think what I feel is love!" I protested.

"Okay then, let's have a test! I tell the results!" My dad challenged. I nodded confidently.

"The first guy, does it happen that you two are talking with each other when you are in a group and tend to forget the outside surroundings?"


"Does the guy make you laugh even at the worst moments?"


"Do you feel safe with him, or has he ever saved you from anything, anything small?"

"He did."

"Do you know some secret of his that maybe only some trusted people know?"


"Does he blend in your interests and makes you interested in his?"

"He does."

"Do you feel special around him, like maybe he cares about you?"

"I do!"

"Did your feelings, words or even your presence have any impact on him? Like maybe he did something because of you?"

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