This is worth it!

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Gina's P.O.V

I drove in silence, but inside me, it was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

I parked at the street across their house. I pulled out my suitcases and walked over. I put on a smile as I knocked on the door. It was opened with a bear hug.

"Jeez GF! Let a girl breathe!" Keith said.

"Oh please! I got the same welcome!" Hazel laughed. 

"Sis leave her now, she will choke now!" Arthur chuckled.

Emma left me, but couldn't stop grinning. "I got my guys here already! Now let's make this weekend worth it!"

I laughed at her over excitement. Keith just shook his head while Hazel face palmed herself. Arthur just stood in the corner, smiling. 

Hazel helped me move my luggage. "Whoa! What the fuck is in here Gina?! A dead body?" Hazel huffed. 

"How has it been with Arthur till now?" I asked quietly as she shut the door. 

"It is totally fine. He is not being a jerk by being his usual jerk!" She shrugged, but I felt like I saw her throw an evil smile, maybe just for a second.

"Everybody is here?" I asked, hesitating. Before she could answer, the door burst open.

"Yo girls! The pillows you wanted-" Liam cut short as he saw me. We just stood there staring at one another, maybe for 2 seconds, maybe for 2 minutes. 

He shook his head as he smiled at Hazel and handed the pillows as he walked out, but not before glancing me for the last time. 

"You freshen up, and meet us downstairs!" Hazel chirped in. I nodded as she smiled and left, closing the door behind her. I pulled out a cute short top with shorts. I took a quick shower and changed into them. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and put on some face powder with some lip balm. 

As I walked down, all were seated on the couch. There were two seats empty, one beside Arthur and one beside Liam. Choice was simple. I tried to sit beside Arthur but Hazel appeared from nowhere and quickly flopped down. What the fuck?

I had no choice. I sat down beside Liam. I tried not to make eye contact, but I just stared at him. His biceps were protruding from his sleeves, and his eyes crinkled every time he smiled. I realized I was gawking at him. I felt my cheeks burning as I looked away. 

Keith suddenly got up and rushed to the kitchen. Emma followed behind. Arthur and Liam were talking about some guy while Hazel just looked at me and mouthed "U OK?"

I mouthed back, "Fucking NO! DUH!" She just bit her lip and grinned. I didn't get the best feeling with that. Keith and Emma came back as they handed everyone their glasses. Keith just passed me two glasses and asked me to pass it to Liam. 

I handed him the glass, our fingers brushing a little, but enough to send electric bolts through my body. He smiled at me.

"Bottoms up guys!" Arthur exclaimed. I gulped it down as I saw the others do the same. We started talking as to what to watch in the evening. Suddenly I felt my eyes getting heavy as I felt light headed. 

I tried to keep my eyes open but in vain. I tried to tell Emma who sat in front of me, but couldn't. Before I could realize, I had already fallen asleep.


I opened my eyes as I looked around groggily. It was all a kind of blur. I looked at the clock, 6:30... What The Fuck?!

I slept for so long? I realized I was alone in this house. I walked up to the door and tried to open it, but it was bolted tight. 

"What the fuck? Am I in a home arrest or are the others kidnapped?" I thought aloud.

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