You are the only one made for me!

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Arthur's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. I looked around, I was in my room. I stretched as my eyes fell on my window. On the balcony I could see Hazel standing, waiting for me. 

"Hazel!" I exclaimed. She said nothing, just smiled. Suddenly I saw someone pull her. I gaped in horror as I saw a guy slap her, hard. She fell down, unable to get up. I screamed in anger, "Leave her! Leave her alone you motherfucker!" 

He just smirked at me. I tried to jump to her window, but something held me down. I suddenly felt something hard hit my head. I touched it as I felt the warm blood on my fingers. I felt my eyelids drop. 

I suddenly felt someone beside me. I opened my eyes with all my strength as I saw Hazel holding my head in her lap as tears fell down her perfect face. She kept crying as she ran her fingers through my hair. "Please get up Arthur! Don't leave me alone, please! I... I can't. Wake up please Arthur!"

I opened my eyes groggily as I adjusted my eyes to the dim surroundings. I looked up to see Hazel crying, with her face buried in her hands as I lay on her lap. I got up and felt my head pounding. 

She quickly looked up as she saw me. I smiled at her as she suddenly wrapped her hands around my neck as she pulled me closer. I held her by her waist as I took in her body's warmth. She kept her face hidden in the crook of my neck. I rubbed her back, trying to soothe her.

She left me as she smiled at me. I smiled back as I said, "Seems like you were seriously worried about me!" I smirked. 

That made her scowl, as she punched my arm, a bit too hard to say the truth. 

"Ow! What was that for? I came to save you!" I pouted. 

"You are a fucking idiot Arthur!" She scowled as she continued, "Why did you have to follow me? I knew what I was going into, but why did you come? Look at yourself now! It was either really concerning or really stupid of you to follow me, and you know what, I choose stupid! You could have been dead! How do you think I would have forgiven myself?"

I crossed my arms as I glared, "So what did you expect me to do? Sit and watch? You were of course scared! How did you even think that I would leave you alone in such a situation? I will always follow, even after this, even when you don't tell me! Why won't you tell me anyways? I could have helped you, why did it really matter that I got hurt? It was better than only you getting hurt! Was it because you don't trust me?"

"You are... the most stubborn person I have ever met Arthur Jones! And stupid too! You seriously don't know why I didn't tell you? I didn't tell you because I was scared Arthur! I didn't want you to get hurt! Trust you say? If I didn't trust you, why would I tell you about Jason? Why would I want you to be with me, even when I had perfectly planned to ghost you for the rest of my life! Why would I not fight off to the last to sing with you? Why would I go to our personal spot alone with you if I never trusted you?!" She screamed as I saw the tears brimming in her eyes.

"But why did you? Why do you trust me so much if I had broken your heart?" My voice trembled.

She softened up as she gave a sad smile, "I don't get it, are you so blind? Aren't you the player of the school? Isn't it obvious? Or maybe... maybe because you don't feel the same, not anymore at least. Yes, that is it. That is why you maybe never noticed...

 I trust you this much because I have fallen in love with you Arthur Jones! I have fallen in love again, but it seems like it again isn't two sided. I never planned for this to happen. It just... happened. But I can't deny it, not anymore. I truly love you a lot Arthur, and I don't think I can ignore this feeling or you anymore. It... it is fine if you don't feel the same, I can't really help. But I had to tell you, now I don't know what will happen but it is fine I guess, I-" 

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