Aren't you just Mr. Frank-enstein?

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Hazel's P.O.V

"Hush hush hush! Don't divert! What exactly happened?" Gina whispered-squealed at me, in between the class.

I glared at her as I continued to note down whatever I could make out from the teacher's speech, but struggling with it, since Gina was continuously talking and squealing.

"We can talk about it in the recess. Anyway exams are coming in soon!" I explained her quickly.

She blew a raspberry, attracting the attention of the class, and the teacher.

"Hazel and Gina! Detention!" The teacher announced.

"But what did I do ma'am?!" I protested.

"No arguments!" She glared.

 I quietly left the class with Gina and headed to the detention room. 

"First time?" Gina asked, amusedly.

"It is not exactly a thing I looked forward to!" I shot back. Gina just laughed at me as we entered the class. That was when I both liked it and regretted it.

"Hey Hazel! I know about Gina but I didn't take you as a rule breaker type!" Liam asked, grinning at us.

"Well, I am not that type! My company spoiled me..." I groaned as I sat down. I saw Arthur not paying much attention before, but as Gina tried to sit beside me, he pulled her back and made her sit beside Liam. 

They both glared at him, as he casually grinned, and flashed a thumbs up as he sat beside me.

I couldn't help, as I laughed at Gina, all embarrassed. Oh my god, I loved uncomfortable Gina!

Arthur nudged me. I turned my head towards him, to see our faces just inches, no actually centimetres apart. I slightly coughed as I slid my chair away from him.

"Are you always here?" I asked, to stop him from staring.

He chuckled. "Teachers just can't handle the class's attention towards me instead of her, I guess!"

"If that feeds your ego jerk!" I sarcastically replied.

"Hmm... Seems like you are staying with Gina a lot more nowadays." Arthur whispered.

We both, at the same time, looked at them.

Let's just say, the only thing stopping them from kissing was this class...

I chuckled lightly, "Gina is actually happy with him, even if she doesn't show it. Liam seems like a nice guy!"

"He is not exactly a 'nice' guy, but don't worry. He is in love with her, he won't do anything to hurt her." Arthur explained, while smiling.

"Well, he better not! He won't look nice in crutches!" I playfully threatened. 

Arthur laughed at this. "Well... can you help me with something marshmallow?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

I nodded. "Umm... I sort of need your nerdy self. Remember the chemistry test we have in like a week? The one which holds 40 percent of our marks? I don't want to fail it, but I don't really know anything about it. So... can you be my kinda after school tutor?"

I nodded, "Of course! I don't mind! We can do it, just... you can ask for a tutor from the school? So, why me?"

Arthur gazed at me as he shrugged, "I just don't want people to know that the bad boy wants to study, it kinda spoils my image. Secondly, I don't want a nerdy nerd. I need a cool one, who I think can handle me and I can handle them, and for that, I can only think about you!"

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