Boxing Team of Class of 92!

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Hazel's P.O.V

"WHAT?!" I practically screamed on his face.

"Whoa! What happened?" Arthur said, looking up from his phone as he looked at us staring him.

"You are Hazel's boyfriend?!" Liam asked.

"What?" Arthur looked at me as if I was the one who made things weird.

"You said yes to Keith!" Gina said.

"I said yes, as in yes, I was glaring at him in the class!" Arthur shrugged, as he said in an obvious tone.

I sighed, as I shot a look at Keith.

"So why were you?" Keith asked.

"You got Hazel late for class and got her diverted with you asking for notes. She would have not been a nerd anymore if you continued." Arthur casually explained.

"Oh! I think Hazel is really smart, she will catch up real soon! I have a feeling that she is really smart, and if I dare say, very beautiful too!" Keith flirted.

I saw Arthur clench his fists as he said, "Yeah I know that pretty boy! Now you can stop flirting. She is smart and beautiful, so she doesn't need people to tell her that. She is way above that. Anyway, we will meet at my house at 5 for the class. I will see you later marshmallow!" Arthur said in a low tone, as he walked away with Liam.

We quickly sat down as I hid my face with my hands. I heard Keith chuckle.

"He likes you!" Keith said suddenly.


"I know!"

Gina and I spoke at the same time.

I glared at both of them. "You both have lost it! He has no such interest in me! I am just a friend!"

"Whom he gives free rides in his car..." Gina murmured.

"And who can't even see you talking freely with another guy!" Keith spoke out.

Gina high fived Keith. "I like you already!" She said.

I can imagine them sticking together and ruining my peace... together.


I breathed in for the last time. I stood in front of the door, getting ready to knock.

Well, the last time I was here, I got a prank as a welcome.

I was about to knock, when the door flew open and I bumped into the iron chest of Arthur. I would never get used to it, I guess.

"Hey! Where are you-" I was cut off when he held my wrist and pulled me in his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I actually got a message now that I am supposed to go there. I figured that I would bore you if i made you sit at my house, so I took you with me!" Arthur briefly explained, while his eyes stared at the road.

"You still didn't answer me, where are we going?" I asked intently.

"Let's find out, shall we?" Arthur smirked. Never a good sign.

After some time, we stopped in front of an old building. He held out the door. I quietly came out, praying it is not what I think it is.

He held a duffel bag as we entered. As I saw inside, my heart sank. It was what I feared it would be.

It was a boxing arena. 

"You... you are into boxing?" I asked hesitatingly. He nodded proudly.

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