I feel that you can only see the Real Me!

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Hazel's P.O.V

"We should seriously not be doing this!" I hissed.

"It won't be a problem! Trust me!" Gina assured me.

I closed my eyes as I pressed the button. We silently waited.

"Congratulations! You are a true Disney fan! You have it in your veins! We salute you!"

"YAAAAY!" Gina squealed. I slapped her arm to stop her. She stopped, but was still celebrating. We were sitting alone at home, around 3 at night, solving a buzzfeed quiz as to who is the biggest Disney fan...

Yeah, we are kinda noob!


"I am boreeeed!" I whined.

"Fine! I have something we can talk about!" Gina said slyly. RED ALERT!

"What?" I asked hesitatingly.

"We can talk about Liam and Arthur!" She exclaimed.

"Oh no no no!"

"Come on!"

"No I won't risk it, you won't reveal anything, and have me say everything!" I said, as I crossed my arms.

"Fine! Let's play 20 questions! I ask about Arthur, you can ask about Liam!" Gina huffed.

"Umm... yeah that seems better! Fine I start!" I said as I lied down on the bed. Gina lied down beside me.

"Did you have a crush on Liam before he started mingling with us?"

"Yeah I did... Now you! What happened that day when we left?"

"Ugh! I knew you would ask this! Umm... I asked him to sing for me, he decided to sing 'you are the music in me!' I asked how he knew that song from before. He said that he had lied when he said that he hadn't seen it-"

"WHAT! He fucking lied about a Disney movie?! That is enough of a sin! TO YOU ABOVE THAT?! Fucking liar! I told you he might play with you, beware! I told you-" Gina started bantering.


She went quiet.

I sighed as I continued, "He said that he didn't do this to hurt me, he wanted to know me, understand me. He finds me different, so he wants to get to know me!"

"AWWW! I forgive that lying bitch! He did that to know you! I am jealous with you now Hazel!" Gina pouted.

"Fine! Now me! Have you said I love you to one another yet?"

"We actually did... in the car..." Gina blushed.


"Hey! It was no big deal! Anyways, now me! Were you ever in an almost kiss situation with him?"

"Umm no...?"

"You asking or telling?"

"I... I don't know! It felt like that to me, but it surely was nothing!"


"When I first was singing and he barged in!" I rolled my eyes as I remembered it.

"Oh no!"

"What?!" I asked as she gasped.

She pointed towards the window. I looked out in horror.

Arthur was climbing down a rope! We slowly peeped out to see him skillfully slide down as Liam waited down with a duffel bag. Were they going to rob a bank or what?!

Love at first HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now