I am better with him...

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Hazel's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, as I felt a hammer in my head. I held my head lightly as I looked around.

 I tried to get up but I felt a force holding me down. I looked down to see a hand around me.

 As I looked up to see the owner of the hand, I squinted my eyes. Was it... Arthur?!

I tried to shove away his arm, but it just pulled me even closer. How is his hand so heavy?! I quickly pushed him down my bed as he suddenly got up and placed his hands on the ground to stop his face from slamming in the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house. my room, and my bed?!" I screamed. He looked around groggily as he suddenly noticed me and his eyes widened.

"Oh fuck! Did I just sleep here?!" He said as he smacked his head. I crossed my arms in front of him.

He threw his hands up in surrender, "Oh no no no! I am not lying! I just came to drop you here, and I might have fallen asleep here only! Oh shit!"

I suddenly remembered what all happened yesterday. Trace confessing his 'love' , kissing him, Arthur teasing me, me kissing him... Oh no! I KISSED HIM!

As I looked at him, I realized he was thinking the same. "I am so sorry Hazel! I didn't mean to... I was drunk, I am... I am just sorry!" He sighed as he looked down.

"I am sorry too, I... I shouldn't have done what I did..." I mumbled. We both smiled at each other. After a long time, did I not get a feeling of murdering him the moment I see him. 

"It was all so..."

"...weird!" Arthur completed my line. 

I quickly picked my phone and checked it. 15 messages from Gina, 13 from Emma, and 22 from Keith; and 3 messages from... Trace. Was I seriously his girlfriend now? Was I ready?

But I couldn't run away anymore. I didn't want to. What Arthur and I went through, I couldn't stop living because of it. I will stay with Trace and let it flow for some time. Let's see what happens...

"I... I should leave..." Arthur stuttered. I nodded. As he was about to hop out I called him from behind. He turned around as I approached him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you for helping me when I fainted!"

He was shocked for a second but he smiled as he kissed me back on the cheek as he whispered, "Goodbye marshmallow!"

"Goodbye jerk!" I mumbled as I smiled. 


"So are you with Trace now?!" The three squealed together, even Keith! Over dramatic bunch!

I nodded for the hundredth time. 

"You kissed Trace, Arthur got drunk and then you kissed him?! And he understood and didn't say anything this time?! Damn! He has seriously changed a lot!" Emma whistled. I squinted my eyes at her. "Changed?" I asked confused.

"Oh yeah! Liam said that he has gone quieter, not creating fuss, not missing classes and even studying seriously! I have myself seen him stay up late at night and studying! He has gotten way too serious and is not dawdling around!" Emma explained. 

I looked at Gina. She had stiffened up at the mention of Liam. I felt a hard feeling on my heart seeing her like this. I was cheated from Arthur, it should have been between us two. But these two were caught up in the drama.

"Hmm weird!" Keith commented. The tension was broken with my phone ringing. I saw the caller id, it was Trace. 


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