I feel like Cupid!

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Hazel's P.O.V

I felt a knot in my stomach. My throat had gone dry. All I could do was smile uncomfortably.

Arthur grinned at me as he pulled her to his side. 

"Hazel, this is Emma! She is my twin!" Arthur proudly announced.


I tried to register what he just said. Twin? That is when I saw the similarities. Both had dark hair and she had slightly darker blue eyes. Both seemed to share the same body posture, and to be noticed, both of them were extremely beautiful to look at. Got the features as heredity!

I smiled at her as I shook her hand, "Nice to meet you! I... I am new here, so maybe that is why I didn't know you!"

"She didn't study here actually. She goes to a girls hostel for fashion designing, It is an early course, and she recently got her honors. She returned to attend the high school with us!" Arthur exclaimed. 

I could see the sparkle in his eyes when he spoke of her. He surely loved her more than anyone.

I nodded. Happy now, aren't you? 

Seriously brain?! You don't need to respond to every situation!

"Now, I am not staying at home! I want to go the mall and shop for some things! I need a wardrobe change!" Emma announced as she flopped down on the couch.

Arthur rolled his eyes. I laughed at them. I felt myself tearing up a little bit, but I quickly fought it away.

"Hey! We are going to the mall in about half an hour, so why don't you join in?" I chimed.

"Are you sure? I don't want to barge in!" Emma asked. I shook my head. She grinned at me as she held my wrist and pulled me upstairs.

"Yay! Then help me out with my dress please. I get a sense that you are good at it!" She said happily.

Arthur shrugged at me apologetically for his sister's behavior. I smiled as if saying no problem.

She picked an outfit from the suitcase and rushed to the bathroom. She quickly came out as she did her makeup while I did her hair.

"So..." She hummed.

"Hmm?" I asked while doing the waterfall braid.

"What is up with you and Arthur?" She asked.

"Nothing... we are friends...?" I said, more like a question.

"Doesn't look like that! You almost fainted when Arthur held me. Pure jealously, but I don't blame you. My brother also seems to like you!" She said casually.

"He likes me? I don't think so! He is the player, the bad boy, so his personality makes it look like he likes you." I sighed.

"True, but I know my twin. I saw how he introduced you and me. He wanted you to know him truly. He normally puts on his 'I DON'T CARE' face, but with you... it was not there. I saw his eyes gleam when he talked with you!" Emma smiled at me.

I blushed, "I... I don't know. But yeah, I might like him!" 

"I knew it!" Emma exclaimed as she turned towards me. I laughed as I turned her back and pinned up her braid. 

She looked at it and smiled contently.

We quickly rushed down and wore our shoes. We waved goodbye at Arthur while we sat in my car and drove away.

On parking the car and entering the mall, I quickly called up Gina.

"They are at the Dior store!" I said as we entered the elevator. We reached the store and looked around. I spotted Gina and Keith... bickering. Of course!

"Hey guys! This is Emma, Arthur's twin!" I introduced to both of them.

"Hey! I didn't know he had one! Nice to meet you. I am Gina!" Emma nodded as she smiled.

"Hey! Umm... I am Keith! Nice to meet you Emma!" She smiled sweetly. They both continued to look at one another before both of them look away at once.


"So what are two bickering about?" I asked.

"We were fighting over the color. What do you think, yellow or dark green?" Gina asked, looking agitated.

"I don't know! Why don't we ask Emma? She has honors in fashion designing so she knows better!" I said happily as I nudged her and asked her opinion. 

She looked at both of them and then stared at Keith. He smiled uncomfortably. I could see him blushing at her constant stares.

"Hmm... I think this green is for you! It compliments your skin color and goes with those green stone eyes of yours! It would look great on you!" Emma smiled as she handed the green one to him.

 He nodded while Gina looked at him disbelievingly, "When I said that green is more you, then you just shove me away! Unfair!"

"I trust her judgement more. I sort of felt that she would get the best of me! I just felt like I can trust her more than anything for me!" Keith said as he looked at her. Suddenly he shook his head as he headed for the counter.

Emma just blushed as she excused herself and looked through the women's section. 

Gina and I looked at each other as we say the same time, "I ship them!"

We both giggled. But they surely had a connection. I feel like cupid!

We shopped a bit longer, and then grabbed a burger as we drove back. 

I went up to my room as I closed the door and imagined Keith and Emma together. 

It is good...

Think about yourself silly! They are not cowards like you to tell the guy they like... wait a sec, don't! If he breaks it? Never mind! Continue being a coward!

My brain itself doesn't agree with it! Great!

I suddenly heard a knock on my window. I freaked out for a second as I shot up on my bed, but soon realizing who it was. I opened the curtains as I smiled at Arthur standing. I slid open the window as he entered in quickly.

"Give me a minute. I will grab my hoodie!" I said as he nodded and sat down on the bed. 

I grabbed it quickly as he gave me a hand. I took it as he held me firmly by my waist and stepped on the tree. I breathed heavily as he left me and I climbed down. He just shrugged as he jumped down from the height. I gasped as he landed perfectly, without even one bruise.

He rubbed his hand as he whispered, "And that is how you do it marshmallow!"

"Yeah thanks show off! Jerk!" I shot back. He grinned as we sat in his car and drove to the cliff.

Hey guys!

We have almost reached our twist! There is a small revelation in the next chapter, but the twist is just a few chapters away, maybe two to three... We are so close!

Now... Emma! Glad to know she is a twin, aren't you? I know I am ;)

What about Keith and Emma? Do you ship it?

I would like to know your thoughts too... Should I create a epilogue for them or a totally different story? Both seem good enough!

Now next is Arthur's P.O.V (FINALLY!) 

Let's see what happens...

Goodbye till then!

Love you strangers!


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