I trust that I love you!

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Hazel's P.O.V

"You did what?!" Gina exclaimed. I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time as I repeated, "I shot Trace in his leg..."

"Hush! Who cares about that bastard?! He fucking deserved it! I meant you and Arthur..." She wiggled her eyebrows. I squinted my eyes in confusion.

"She means the kiss dumb ass!" Keith huffed. I widened my eyes as I slapped his arm. 

"What?" He winced in pain. That earned him another smack from both Gina and Emma. 

"We are in a fucking hospital idiot!" Gina scowled. 

"Where you shouldn't even swear!" Emma glared at both Gina and Keith causing them to chuckle nervously. Emma is really sweet but that doesn't mean that you can shit with her, because you don't want to face her bad side...

I nodded as I tried to stifle my laugh. 

"If you weren't almost killed and lying in a hospital bed right now, I would have answered that laugh of yours!" Gina smiled sarcastically causing me to shut my mouth.

"What are you guys talking about?" I heard Liam from behind as he came in with Arthur. Liam approached to Gina as he kissed her cheek. I smiled at them. I felt an arm snake around my waist as I grinned at Arthur.

"Why are you staring at Liam marshmallow?" He asked.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I taunted.

"Don't make me!" He warned me as he kissed my neck causing me to giggle. 

"Guys! Come on! Not here at least!" Keith sighed. Arthur just ignored him as he hugged me tightly. 

"Hazel, who am I gonna flirt with now?" Keith pouted. 

"Do that, and you get one from both me and Emma!" Arthur warned as he pointed towards Emma. She nodded in agreement.

"Oh come on babe! I might flirt with anyone but I always will love you only!" Keith grinned as he kissed Emma, causing her to blush.

"Now who is the one violating PG-13?" Liam rolled his eyes. Arthur clenched his jaw. I just laughed at him as I whispered, "Come on jerk! She is your sister but she can date! And dating involves all that, so bear with it!"

"I don't really care marshmallow, just one thing. If he even hurts my twin sis once, he will regret it!" He smiled sweetly as I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"You are the most adorable overprotective brother I have ever seen!" I smiled. 

He shrugged as he whispered, "I am even the hottest boyfriend who is a really good kisser!" 

I laughed sarcastically causing him to furrow his eyebrows, "Don't tempt me marshmallow! I won't see that we are in a hospital! Anyways you are looking way too hot even in these hospital clothes which is killing me!"

I widened my eyes as I punched his chest. I ended up hurting myself by hitting the iron built abs he has. 

"You are the cockiest person I have ever seen Arthur Jones! Salute me for loving you anyways!" I scoffed.

"Hmm... instead of salute, I prefer a kiss!" Before I could decline, he pulled me closer as he kissed me softly. I didn't pull back, as my hands instinctively found their way behind his head as I pulled him closer. He placed his one hand on my cheek as he deepened the kiss. We pulled back a little later, not because I wanted to, but my stupid lungs were screaming for oxygen. 

"Now... would you like to reconsider your thoughts?" Arthur smirked.

"Ugh fine! You might me the best kisser I met!" I huffed.

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