It will be a sight!

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Hazel's P.O.V

I entered the boxing building. Arthur was already there. He was practicing with the punch bag. He was not looking extremely hot; saying that would be a lie, a big lie. There was a reason girls like Cathy fell at his feet just for his attention. 

I waved at him. He looked at me, but continued punching. Weird. 

I dropped my bag and wore my gloves. I entered the ring and did some warm ups. 

"Hazel! You are here! See, I have an urgent errand to run today! Today Arthur can help you with some basics!" Coach said as he jogged out.

"But coach?-" Arthur started, but he was already gone.

He looked at me and sighed, "Umm... fine. You can first start with warm ups!"

"I did that now!" I said.

"You did 15 crunches, 10 push ups and 20 continuous jumps already?!" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No... I did some stretching!" I protested. 

He just shook his head, "This is boxing marshmallow, not acrobatics. Stretching is after fight, to soothe muscles. Now all these exercises are actually warm ups!"

I widened my eyes, "So many?!"

He nodded in a 'duh' way. I groaned as I started. For the first time did I feel the heat in my muscles. He surely knew what he was doing. 

"Fine. Now I guess you can practice on this bag!" He said pointing at the punching bag he was punching earlier.

I nodded as I started punching. He noticed me for some time. That was getting kinda awkward. Suddenly he grabbed my shoulders from behind.

"What... what are you doing?!" I whispered. 

"Oh hush marshmallow! You always think the worst! You are doing it kinda wrong. Relax your shoulders. You have technique, but not the right amount of power. This time, try bringing the energy in your biceps" He held my hand as he continued, "Not the shoulders or wrist. You will cause them to break any time!"

I nodded, even if my mind was focused on his hands, which were still placed on me. They were giving me goosebumps. He got back, as he whispered, "Now punch again!"

I started punching. I could feel the change! The strength was now channeling right! I didn't get the weird pain this time. 

"Stop." He said after sometime. I dropped at the moment. He smiled satisfactorily.

"So..." I started. He nodded.

"Hi!" I said. He just chuckled as he waved me like an overexcited teenage girl. I shook my head as I laughed.

"You are quieter today!" I blurted out.

"I am not. Just can't find anything to say." He replied as he went back to his practice. 

"What should I do now?"

"Umm... practice some techniques, or I can show you some!" He shrugged. I nodded. He was acting weird. He normally was all goofy and talking about all useless things, but today he can't find anything to talk about? That is not him.

He showed me some techniques. He was quite alert around me today. No cocky behavior, nothing fun. He always kept his guard up. My time ended.

"Hey! If you are free after this, you can come over. We can practice the song!" I suggested.

"Umm, yeah. I have some work. I am kinda busy today. I guess we should stick to tomorrow." He explained, not making eye contact.

I just had to agree.

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