Chapter 14

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Her head swam in dark waves, bright spikes of light spreading across her vision. "Hey! Wake up!" Leta's eyelids peeled open, splitting pain ebbing over the side of her skull. Her chin was grabbed by a hand, yanking up her face to look dead into the eyes of a terrifying blue children's mask. "Finally. We've been wanting to talk to you."

She blinked a couple of times, a sick feeling running up and down inside her as she shifted. "What, where am I?" Her thoughts were fuzzy, along-side her eyesight.

"Let's just say that's not important. What is important is what you know about number Five." She wrinkled her nose, turning around to try and get a good look at the other voice that came from behind her.

Her thoughts stumbled over each other, but they were clear enough to recognize the woman's voice. "Shit. Look, whatever it is you want to know, I guarantee I know probably less than you do." She moved her arms, wiggling a bit in the duck-tape restraints. She turned her ankles as well, finding them secured too. "Besides, whatever the hell he got himself into has absolutely nothing to do with me. I haven't seen your faces, I don't know where we are, so why don't you just put a bag over my head or something and drop me off in a ditch. No harm."

The large suited man scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "You have to know something. And whatever it is, you're going to tell us."

She raised an eyebrow, letting on a bit of a grin. "Oh yeah? Says who?"

"He does." The blue masked man nodded in the direction of the woman's voice, grabbing the back of Leta's chair and violently turning her around. Her eyes widened as she looked at the man sat in front of her.

Klaus sat there unconscious in nothing but a towel, strapped down to a chair just as she was. He seemed unharmed except for a dripp of blood running down from his scalp, most likely from where they had knocked him out.

"If nothing else, this man was raised with you. Those tattoos on your wrists tell us enough to know that. And once he regains consciousness..." the woman walked forward, crouching in front of Leta and grabbing her by the cheeks. "We will make both of your lives living-hells. And along-side your torture, you get to watch every moment of his."

Leta ripped her face from her captors hands, training her eyes on the sadistic woman as she stood and walked over to the bed. "And let's say I told you what I knew. Then what? You let us go? How come I doubt that." The pink masked woman clasped her hands in front of herself, leaning forward and turning her face towards her partner.

"Once you tell us everything, we put you out of your misery. Plain and simple. But until then-" she nodded to the man, his hands ripping her muffs off her ears. She held in a pained gasp.

The noises began to flood in, most of which consisted of the sound of bones snapping and screams of anguish. Leta pinched shut her eyes, trying to make them subside. But she couldn't, she couldn't do anything without those damned things.

"We start breaking stuff." Even with the fear and pain running rampant inside her head, the sound was unmistakable. Metal hitting the ground. Being crushed. Being destroyed.

Leta grunted, pulling at her restraints a bit. "Jokes on you." Even with the tears pulling on her eyes she couldn't miss the irony of the situation. "I'm useless without those."

She rubbed her ear on her shoulder, a futile attempt to block the sounds. Slowly she was able to force herself above the chaos and pull open her eyelids, glancing at the man sitting across from her.

Come on Klaus... she clenched her jaw, swarms of light appearing in her eyes. She took in a shakie, labored breath.

Eyes closed.

Reach out with your mind.

A twinge of pain ran down her neck, something hitting her in the chest. She didn't care.

A barage of lights flickered across her eyes, organized chaos and pain. She looked around. He was here. He was here somewhere.

And then she saw it. A girl dancing under a tree, morning light shimmering on her face. Ghosts swirling around her like a tornado, but they couldn't break through.

She rushed forward, lunging into the bubble.

"Klaus!" There was wet grass between her toes, dew, early morning dew. She looked around quickly, there he was. Cowering under the tree as he was attacked by the swarm. "I'm here, I'm here, look at me!" She ran over, collapsing to her knees beside him. "I've got you."

The young boy looked up, eyes full of tears, fear written on his cheeks. She smiled, running a hand under his eyes and wiping away one of the tears.

"What's going on?" He stared down at his hands. He was confused, and to be honest so was she.

"You're asleep. We've been kidnapped. Klaus you can't tell them anything about Five when you wake up." He grabbed onto her hands, his were cold and pale, hers were soft and warm.

"But how are you here?" His eyes widened as he looked up at her. "Did they?"

She chuckled, moving to his side and resting her back on the tree next to him. The warm summer sun and morning dew had followed her, the monsters gone. "Broke my dawn headphones. Yeah. Bummer. That doesn't matter right now though. We can't tell them anything. These guys... they're just gonna kill us."

He swallowed the lump in his throat, lacing his fingers into hers. "Go figure. So we wait?" She looked at the skyline, scooting closer to him.

"We wait. And hopefully, someone comes." She looked back at him, the boy now the man he was today. She ran her fingers through his hair, pain filling her head as she looked at him. "I can't stay. It's a miracle I even managed to get here." He nodded, leaning into her and hugging the small body she possessed.

"Tell us where number Five is." She yanked her eyes open, the woman standing inches away from her face.

Leta laughed, eye twinging as the hidden thoughts and pain of people nearby echoed in her mind. "Fat chance."

The woman leaned over, brandishing a knife inches away from her face. "You will tell us." She growled it, the man standing behind her squirming a bit. Leta's eyes flickered over to Klaus for another moment, his peaceful face making her chest tighten.

The moment was swift, but she felt every piece of herself break when the woman lodged the knife in her shoulder, pulling it back out. The crimson of her blood shimmered on the blade.

She screwed up her face, barely holding in her scream. Her breath was rapid as the sickly warm feeling ran down her side, fire dancing on the incision. The masked woman grabbed the back of her hair, yanking her head up and slamming her hand across her face. A tear squeezed its way from between her eyelids. The woman laughed, Leta responding with an equally malicious one.

Even though Leta couldn't see the woman's face she could tell her posture stiffened. Leta laughed again, rolling her head back and eyeing up at her, teeth bared in a malicious grin. "Keep going. I like a challenge."

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