Chapter 3

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How could he. How DARE he? What could he be thinking to say one of us killed the man who raised us. Leta marched down the hallways, finally throwing herself into a bathroom and slamming the door in her wake.

The nerve.

Her rigid back stayed glued to the door as she stared out the puny window out at the dew covered grassy field below. The tranquility, and strang familiarity seemed to quell the raging storm inside her chest, fighting away the cries and shouts for later.

Leta pushed herself forwards, straightening out her t-shirt, blazer and black suit pants before leaving to find something to eat, and settle her still anxious stomach.

After quickly and quietly traversing the halls Leta found herself in the doorway to the dining room, curiously peering in.

"Come on, chop chop!" Klaus was yelling at his father's urn, obviously high enough to pass orbit. "You know you always were a stubborn bastard. I don't know about you, but I need a drink." Leta shuffled in a little, moving around to his side and clearing her throat. Klaus jumped what looked like teen feet high. "Son of a bitch!"

Suddenly ashes were strewn across the bar, floating down into a depressing pile on the top of the liquor cabinet. Leta's eyes opened wide, hands going to cover her mouth. "Oh my God SHIT!" she rushed forward, Klaus stumbling after her as they quickly and imprecisely swept the ashes back into the urn. "I am SO sorry shit shittt." She muttered, setting the urn upright and backing away as if her mere presence would cause another catastrophe.

The mop headed man didn't seem at all upset with her, his attention still glued to the daunting jar. "Why won't it work!" Klaus threw down his hands, plopping himself on the floor with a thud.

Leta let her eyes move to him, her body following to set itself gently next to him. "Hey, I wouldn't expect it to be easy. I mean, you haven't even tried to conjure someone in years. I definitely know how it feels to be unable to really..."

"Control it?" He interrupted, turning to actually take in her face. "I was wondering why you were still wearing those things." He gestured to his own ears, meaning the headphones. "Dad made those for you years ago. They're ancient. I'm surprised they still work."

Leta chuckled a bit, twisting the dirty, frayed yard around her wrist. "Yeahh, never got the hang of it. And embarrassing myself with horrible fashion is better than having my mind invaded by everyone on the planet's thoughts every second of the day."

Klaus nodded, knowing all too well what she meant.

The two fell easily into a comfortable silence, something she hadn't shared with him in a long time. Klaus screwed up his face, looking up at the ceiling in interest. "You hear that?"

Leta glanced upwards, hearing the music now that he had mentioned it. It was 'I think we're alone now' by Tiffany. "Oh yeah, good song." She weaved her head back and forth, Klaus standing up and letting the music fuel his body. "You look ridiculous." She chuckled. He didn't respond, just silently stuck out his hand for her to take.

Her eyes trailed up the line of his fingertips to the crook of his many times broken nose, a tiny smile pulling on her lips. Eh, What the hell. She reached up and gripped his hand, the thin man easily yanking her up and starting a shimmy.

"This is so dumb." She snickered, him dipping her and then sending Leta on a spin. Her free hand raised to cover her blushing features.

"I know! Isn't it great!" They laughed for a bit, throwing themselves about, locked in eachothers arms as they let the tune fill their souls, a space that had been all too empty for all too long. After the sounds died down the blond took her leave to relax on the counter top.

"That was fun." Leta grinned, looking over at Klaus. His breath was a bit heavy, but hers was too, so there was no room to judge. She grinned, locking eyes with him.

He nodded, scooting just a bit closer.. "yeah. It was."

Her gaze sweetly stayed on him, until a shaking sensation covered her skin, a gasp pulling through her chest as she spotted something shoot their way. "Look out!" She shouted, pulling him down as a barrage of knives barreled at them, sticking point first into the wall. The lights began to flicker, a bulb bursting over head with a shower of sparks and glass. An ear shattering crash echoed outside, followed by why sounded like if a hurricane and thunderstorm had had a really dangerous baby.

Leta tossed herself off the table, rushing over to the wall and staring at the blades held in place.

"Daddy?" Klaus clasped the Urn to his chest as they both spun to the window behind them.

"Come on! It's outside!" Leta pulled him over, running to the door and forcing her way outside.

Diego and the rest were already there, looking at an enormous blue ball of electricity crackling above the surface of the lawn. "What the hell is that?!" Allison shouted, grabbing Luther's arm as he pulled forward.

"It looks like a temporal anomaly, either that or a miniature black hole!" He shouted. Leta made her way forward, grabbing onto Diego's arm as the wind tried to throw her back.

"Yeah, cause those are so similar Luther!" Leta glared at him as he turned around for just a moment to give her a withering look.

"Get out of the way!!" Leta turned around, Klaus rushing forward with a fire extinguisher in hand.

"Klaus what the hell!" Leta grabbed his jacket as he launched the thing into the vortex, as apparently it had no extinguish left. She quickly pulled him back. She promptly punched him in the shoulder for the stupidity, and turning their attention back to the crazy blue sparkieness. It was bright and dangerous, and in all of five seconds it suddenly wasn't.

A bright flash let loose, a body dropping heavily to the ground in front of them. Leta's eyes opened wide as she stared down at the crumpled boy before them.

Klaus let out a stifled gasp, pulling one of his hands away from her shoulder to point at the boy. "Does anyone else see little number Five, or is it just me?"

They all moved closer in a pack, almost like that made it less insane.

The boy looked down at himself, inspecting his hands and proceeding to jump to his feet, quite unsettled. "Shit!"

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