Chapter 18

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"You son of a bitch. You did it. You time traveled." Leta shook herself awake. It seemed like the same day, the sun farther into the west now. Probably around noon. She silently turned over, glancing at Klaus. He stood in front of five, body language saying he was dieing to suckerpunch his brother. 

"So what if I did. What do you care?" She held in a gasp. Time travel? He couldn't have. How?

The two were silent for a moment, Leta keeping herself from messing with her ears. Now that she was awake the noises were returning. She could hear gunfire, loud and clear, feel her body being flung backwards, shrapnel, fire, anger, fear. 

"You gonna tell me about it?" Five muttered, Leta could tell he sympathized. He was probably the only one who could.

"Those pals of yours who broke into the academy. When they could find you they took us instead." Venom dripped off of his word. Klaus shifted, she assumed to look at her. "And we barely made it out alive."

Five sighed, letting out a pained grunt. "And in return you stole their briefcase."

Leta scrunched together her eyebrows. Briefcase? She could remember one in the air duct that Klaus escaped through. That allowed him to time travel?

"Yeah. I thought there would be money in it or I could pawn it or something." She felt him pull the sheet up over her bare shoulders. "And then I opened it."

"And the next thing you knew you were where? Or should I say when?"

She could feel the pain and frustration flow over her in waves. Klaus gently placed himself down on the foot of the bed, being careful not to disturb her. "What difference does it make…"

Five sighed once again. He was losing his patience. "Okay, how long were you gone?"

"Almost a year." 

A year.

He had been gone a year.

Her heart fell into her stomach, chest squeezing the air out of her lungs.

"Do you know what this means?"

Klaus laughed, putting a hand on her leg, "Yeah, I'm ten months older than everyone."

"No you idiot. This isn't a joke. Hazel and Cha-Cha will do anything to get that briefcase back. It's like a cop losing their gun, they'll be in serious shit if they don't. Where is it?"

"Gone. I destroyed it."

"You what!" Klaus harshly hushed his brother, looking over at Leta to make sure she was still asleep. "You moron. I needed that briefcase."

"Oh what do you care?" The mattress shifted as he stood.

"I needed it to get back, to fix all of this."

Klaus sighed, obviously done caring about what his brother was saying. His footsteps began to move away, him muttering to himself.

She laid there silently for a moment, not knowing what to do. "You can get up now." She let out an exasperated breath, pushing herself up to face Five.

He ran his eyes up and down her, inspecting the wrappings around her torso. "I'm sorry they did that to you."

"Yeah, because you seemed so sympathetic to him." 

"He didn't nearly die." She didn't know how to respond to that. "Did you know. About him?"

She shook her head slowly, trying to keep herself together. "I knew he was different. But… a year? Where was he. And what happened." Five pushed his hands into his pockets, looking at the woman with sympathy. 

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