Chapter 3 ✎

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"My father will hear ab-"

Third Person POV

Jillianna and Hermione had read all of their textbooks, and Hermione re-read her's as well. It was September 1st, and it was chaos. Hermione and Jilly ran between each other's houses, taking things that they've borrowed from one another.

Both of their parents watched in amusement as one of the girls would turn up into their house, panting, and grab something, then race back out the door.

"JILLY!! WHERE IS MY 'HOGWARTS: A HISTORY' BOOK!!" Hermione yelled, running into Jillianna's home. Jillianna raced down the stairs and threw the book at her face, then ran out of her house and into Hermione's.

"Ouch." Hermione rubbed her nose. She then ran out of Jilly's house, running past Jilly herself. She
hastily noticed that Jilly was carrying her cauldron, and not her own.

"JILLY, THAT ONE'S MINE!!" Hermione yelled as she ran into her house. "Bloody cauldron" Jilly mumbled, running back into Hermione's house to get the right one.

They both finally had their trunks packed at half past 10 and they took off to Kings Cross station. When they got there, Jilly's parents explained how they have to run through the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Jillianna's POV:

"We have to run through this wall??" I asked, shocked. "Yes, I know it looks real, but don't worry, you'll just go right through!" My mother replied. "I can't believe I'm actually about to run through a wall.." Hermione mumbled.

"It's best to run if you're a bit nervous." My father said. "After you" I said to Hermione, who shot me a glare. "I'm right behind you!" I said to her. Hermione started running towards the wall with me right behind her.

I closed my eyes, getting ready for some impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw a black and scarlet train. "Brilliant.." I whispered in awe as I walked towards the train.

Hermione had a very emotional goodbye with her parents, while I just hugged mine and promised to write to them.

We gave our trunks to this man in a scarlet suit that matched the train. I took my owl with me and went to find a compartment with Hermione.

"Here Hermione, this one's empty." I said as we sat across from each other. I let Ash out as he flew up and found a comfy spot.

We were chatting about stuff and what Hogwarts might look like when we felt a jolt and the train started.

"The train's moving! I'm so excited!" I looked out the window. "Me too!" Hermione squealed. A few minutes later, our compartment door opened, and there stood a chubby boy, looking very nervous.

"Um-h-have you guys seen a t-toad??" the boy asked. "No, sorry." Hermione answered.

"But we can help you look, what's your name??" I asked, getting up and telling Hermione to join.

"N-Neville Longbottom." he stuttered. "Hello Neville! I'm Jillianna Rosewood, and this is Hermione Granger." I introduced.

He thanked us for helping. Neville and I went searching on one side of the train while Hermione went the other way to look.

I asked loads of people with no luck. "Come on Neville, let's find Hermione. Maybe she found your toad!" I told him hopefully.

Neville and I travelled to the other side of the train where we found Hermione talking to two boys. "Hermione, any luck?" I asked.

"No, I didn't find it, but look, it's Harry Potter!!" she exclaimed.

I looked inside the compartment and saw Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter!!

"Hello Ron!!" I said, excited that I got to see him again. He smiled at me through sweets and mumbled best he could, "hello Jilly."

I extended my hand out to Harry and said, "I'm Jillianna Rosewood, but you can just call me Jilly." He stared at me for a bit before saying, "Harry Potter" and shaking my hand.

I tried not to stare at Harry the best I could. I mean he was Harry freaking Potter! I didn't want to creep him out.

"Neither of you have seen a toad, right?" I asked instead.

"Hermione already asked us, no" Ron said.

"Sorry Neville, I'm sure Trevor will turn up soon." I comforted. "Ron, why do you have dirt on your nose?" I then questioned, taking a handkerchief out of my pocket and cleaning his nose. "That tickles," Ron laughed as I finished.

I heard hooting and looked up to see, no bloody way! It was Ash's twin owl!!

"No BLOODY way!!" I voiced my thoughts, racing out of the compartment.

I came back a few moments later with Ash. He hooted very happily and flew over to the snowy owl as they cuddled together.

"Harry, is that your owl??" I asked.

"Yeah, her name's Hedwig, she was a birthday present from Hagrid." He explained.

"My owl, his name is Ash, is her twin brother!" I told him, looking at the two owls with an adoring smile.

"Looks like they got lucky!" Hermione said. "Jilly, i'm going to change now, you should too." Neville just stood there and mumbled something along the lines of me too and left, even though he was already in his robes.

"Have any of you cast any spells yet?" I asked eagerly.

"No, what about you??" Ron replied.

"I've been practising, been trying this doubling spell for a while, let me see if I can get it.." I muttered, pulling out my wand.

I concentrated and flicked my wand.


Just as I turned myself into two people, the compartment door slid open.

It was Draco. He looked very shocked. Everyone stared at him, and then at me.

"My father will hear ab-"

"-Yeah, and what is he gonna do?!"
I- well my duplicate and I said at the same time.

Draco now looked angry. "I'm going to tell-"

"No you won't..." I said, giving him a threatening look. "I'll make five thousand copies of myself and make them chase you in your dreams."

Draco, still furious, stomped out of the compartment as I laughed. How he believed me, I didn't really know. Was I really that convincing??

"That was bloody brilliant!!" Ron said in awe. I reversed the spell, grinning, and put my wand away. "I should probably go change now, I'll see you two at the sorting!" I hopped out of the compartment.


Almost at Hogwarts!! I'm so excited- WHO SENT THE PORTABLE SWAMP IN THE HALLWAY?!

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