Chapter 1 ✎

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"I can't believe you would ever say such a thing, Diana! Jillianna and I will be on our way if you don't appreciate our five-year oldness!!"

Jillianna's POV

I got home from King Cross station, my head full of questions that I would ask my parents. As soon as we entered the house I made tea and dragged my parents to the couch.

I sat them down and gave them both a look before crossing my legs and sitting like a weird businesswoman. I stuck my pinky out as I sipped my tea. They hesitantly sipped theirs, eyeing me.

"Are your tea parties back??" My father grinned. "Diana go make the cookies."

I blushed in embarrassment. When I was five I used to host tea parties, inviting all of my toys and my parents. It always resulted in me crying because the toys wouldn't eat anything.

"They're not," I put my tea down on the table as my parents sat there. "I have some questions...about magic and stuff." Now I was the one who was eyeing them.

My father tensed a bit, and my mother looked at him. I knew something was up. They even looked like they were hiding something.

They should seriously work on their hiding important information skills. Or maybe I just read them well.

"Dumbledore told me that you'd have the why can I understand what snakes say?? I didn't have a piece of Voldemort go in my soul." I questioned.

"It's time she knows, James." Mother looked at father with a solemn expression. My father nodded, sighing deeply.

"Our family goes back generations, and one of our ancestors got involved in something we don't really understand, but it gave his son special qualities..." He paused. "He could do things, one of them was talking to animals." I was beyond shocked. I could talk to animals?

"Is that why you always got so excited when I talked to Ash??" My eyes searched his face as a leaned forward, remembering the time I was leaving for the Weasleys.

"Jillianna!! Are you ready?!!!" My father yelled.

"Yes, father!!" I yelled back. I pulled my small suitcase down the stairs, and got into the fireplace when I realized I forgot Ash.

"ASHHH!!!" I yelled. My owl hooted and flew down the stairs onto my arm.

"I'm going to Ron's house, so do you want to fly there??" I asked him. In response, he flew out the window.

"It's like that bird can understand you," My father's eyes shone in a strange way, and was looking quite happy. I ignored this and got back into the fireplace, grabbing some floo powder.

"Yes," My father suppressed an embarrassed grin. I was still super confused. What did our ancestors do to deserve something as special as this?

Suddenly, my mother gasped. My father's eyes blew wide.

"Oh yes, I'm a Metamorphagus," I told them as I glanced at my hair. "It's pretty bloody awesome."

A picked a strand of my hair, which was bright orange. Okay so orange means confused, I'll keep that in mind.

Mum turned to dad. "She has them, James, you know she does, and you know what's going to happen eventually." She whispered. Her eyes were glossy with tears. "She's too young-"

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