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okay, it was the same day, but to sua it felt like they sat in silence for a day!

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okay, it was the same day, but to sua it felt like they sat in silence for a day!

so, johnny dom: confirmed she said in her head, unsure what to do with the information.

no words were shared between the pair.

when the tension became overwhelming, sua physically deflated and slumped childishly against the bench. that grabbed haechan's attention and he raised a brow.

"why are you even sitting here? why not just go inside?"

sua's head rolled to the left so that she could properly meet his eyes. "well, i didn't want you to be lonely, but now i'm starting to think that'd be better." the chocolate-haired boy let out a playful scoff, head tipping forward lightly.

"probably..." he paused before faintly glancing her way, eyes holding a teasing glint, "but i'd prefer if you stayed..."

sua had to look away to bite back the urge to laugh. sometimes when she got really flustered or embarrassed, she'd start laughing. as she faced her right to contain herself in front of the idol, she noticed a hyperactive ball of fluff running in front of the closed door.

a wild grin kissed the girl's face as she spun around to face the boy. haechan's eyes were wide in shock at her sudden actions, but he remained silent for her to speak.

"hey! wanna see the puppy you helped save?"

haechan's brows furrowed slightly, but he smiled and nodded. he didn't think he'd done enough to get credit, but he appreciated her humble attitude.

sua stood with a hop in her step and opened the door. almost instantly, said ball of fluff came barreling towards her and jumping at her legs. the girl giggled and knelt down to pet and play with chip.

there was a light chuckle, and sua turned to face the boy with her bright smile.

"i named him chip, but you can help me pick another name, if you'd like."

when sua looked over at the boy, it seemed like he was trying to contain his wide smile, but his eyes were sparkling with glee.

staring at his sunshine-like face, sua couldn't help but see him as just a boy. he was clearly as stunning as an idol, but the way his face lit up took her back to her young school days when kids didn't have the responsibilities they do now. the girl's eyes softened-she wanted to see him as a friend rather than a celebrity.

chip clearly didn't care for his image, because when his eyes found the face of the idol, he instantly ran to the edge of the balcony to get as close to haechan as possible.

"hi, chip!" a cheerful giggle filled the air, and sua felt her heart patter.

chuckling to herself to calm her racing heartbeat, the girl picked the dog up and held him for the boy to get a better look.

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