Kyoshi Island 🏔

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Before we could even move, we were blindfolded, tied up and thrown to the floor. We were dragged up a hill, hitting some rocks on the way until we were finally tied up against a pole, still blindfolded. "You 4 have some explaining to do." An unknown man stated.

"And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the Unagi." We heard another voice speak up, but this time it came from a female.

"Show yourselves, cowards!" Sokka yelled out, making the captors take off our blindfolds. "Who are you? And where are the men who ambushed us?" He questioned the group of female warriors in front of us.

"There were no men. We ambushed you." One of the warriors replied, the voice belonged to the same female that threatened us before. "Now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?" She questioned.

"Wait a second. There's no way a bunch of girls took us down." Sokka said defensively, causing me to pinch his hand aggresively. "Ow!"

"A bunch of girls, huh?" She stepped up and grabbed Sokka by the collar. "The unagi's going to eat well tonight."

"No, don't hurt him! He didn't mean it! My brother's just an idiot sometimes" Katara popped up and frantically tried to explain.

"It's my fault," Aang confessed, making us turn our heads towards him, "I'm sorry we came here, I wanted to ride the elephant koi." He finished, sounding sad and slightly guilty.

"You didn't know this was going to happen, it's not your fault." I whispered to him.

"How do we know you're not fire nation spies?" The man from before broke his silence, "Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it like that." He spit out with a venomous tone. 'Kyoshi... omg why didn't I realize it before!' I thought as I looked to Suki's direction, smiling a bit.

"This island is named for Kyoshi?" Aang asked, "I know Kyoshi!" He finished sheepishly.

"Ha!" The man scoffed, "how could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here 400 years ago. She's been dead for centuries." The man explained, obviously not believing Aang and for good reason.

"I know because.." Aang paused and glanced at me before continuing, I slightly nodded in response, "I'm the avatar."

"That's impossible. The last avatar was an airbender who disappeared a 100 years ago." Suki answered, doubting Aang.

"That's me" Aang carelessly replied with an idiotic smile on his face.

"Throw the imposter to the unagi." The man ordered while pointing at Aang. The warriors got into stance and slowly approached us.

"Aang, do some airbending." Katara suggested, making Aang jump out of the ropes and start landing from the height of the Kyoshi statue. The people that witnessed this gasped in surprise and admiration, wowing Aang as he landed.

"It's true! You are the avatar." The man said as I got out of the ropes and helped Katara and Sokka get out of them as well.

"Now check this out!" Aang said before showing off the airbending trick he wanted to show Katara, making the crowd applaud and cheer for him.

The news of Aang being on the Island spread quickly, making the number of fans grow bigger everyday. "All right! Dessert for breakfast!" Aang cheered as one of the servants put down another full plate of food. "These people sure know how to treat an avatar." He said before shoving multiple treats down his throat. I looked at Katara as she picked up a piece of food and inspected it, I giggled a little making her return a bright smile. "Mmm! Katara, you've got to try these!" Aang said as he handed an iced bun to Katara.

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