Winter solstice pt 1

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"Those clouds look so soft, don't they? Like you could just jump down and you'd land in a big, soft, cottony heap." Katara said as she looked down from the saddle and admired the clouds.

"Maybe you should give it a try." Sokka said.

"You're hilarious." She scoffed back at him.

"I'll try it!" Aang quickly got up and jumped down from Appa onto the clouds while laughing.

"AANG! You idiot, clouds are made up of tiny ice crystals or drops of water that form around dust particles in the atmosphere, in other words, you cannot touch them!" I shouted as I looked at his figure gradually getting lost in the clouds. We looked down at the cloud he jumped into and waited for something to happen. A few seconds later, Aang jumped into the saddle from behind us, drenched and still giggling.

"Turns out, clouds are made of water." Aang said as he made an air cocoon to dry himself up.

"Nooooo, really? How'd you know?" I said sarcastically, humoring him.

"Well when I dived in, it was like going into a lake" Aang said smiling innocently. 'Was I always this much of an Aang stan or is it because he's my younger brother now?' I smile back and giggle at his cluelessness.

"Hey, what is that?" Katara stood up and walked to the edge of the saddle, looking down at the forest. A small part of the forest was completely black and no healthy or living trees could be spotted in that part.

"It's like a scar." Sokka said as we all looked down at that part of the forest.

"Appa, go over there" Aang said and shortly after, Appa landed on the dead part of the forest and we saw how all the trees were damaged and burned and there was no grass to be seen.

"Listen, it's so quiet. There's no life anywhere." Sokka observed the land after we hopped off of Appa.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Katara looked at us with a little concern. I nodded in response, but Aang remained quiet as he continued to look around.

"Fire nation!" Sokka yelled when he saw the footprints on the ground, "Those evil savages make me sick. They have no respect for-" Katara motioned him to be quiet before he could continue his rant. "What, im not allowed to be angry?" He whispered and Katara pointed towards us. I was standing beside Aang in silence, there were no words to explain this act of hatefulness. How could someone hold so much hate in their heart, I started to tear up at the thought of all the animals that lost their homes and lives since I'm weak to animal cruelty and this is an act of animal cruelty in my book.

Aang sighed and kneeled on the ground, touching and patting the dirt and dust that remained from the burned down trees, "why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?"

"Aang, you didn't let this happen, it has nothing to do with you." Katara said.

"Yes it does, it's the avatar's job to protect nature, but I don't know how to do my job." He responded.

"Which is why I'm here to help you. Even if you stayed in the southern air temple, you would've died and the fire nation would've killed the proceeding avatars until they reincarnated into the fire nation.... at least this way, you can and will win against the fire nation. Plus don't you remember what monk gyatsu said? Avatar Roku will help you." I comfortingly smiled at him and Aang returned the smile.

"The avatar before Aang? He died over a hundred years ago. How is Aang supposed to talk to him?" Sokka asked.

"The previous avatars live within Aang, all we have to do is figure out how to tap into the souls of the previous avatars.... but that's easier said than done." I sighed which made Aang sigh too.

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