What I Hate About The Creepypasta Fandom

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Here we go, an actual opinion.

The community became extremely toxic after 2017, which was actually a month after I joined, so I'm not sure how bad it was before that.

They attack people for shipping fictional characters, I'm not against any ships never have been. But there's about three types of ships is absolutely despise:

Incest, yes I'm talking about Jeff x Liu I fucking hate it. You know the only reason I've ever read those is because there's more of them than actual legal ones to read. It's pathetic. I want to burn the ship, the only way I'll sort of accept it is the au I've read where Jeff wasn't a blood brother.

When the creator clearly states its Sexuality or partner and you go against it. You know what I'm on about, mainly Jane and Mary but there's plenty of others how Clockwork is lesbian (don't hate too much on ticciwork just don't think Toby would date.) If the creator says no to a ship it means no.

Pedophilia, dude. If the pastas under 18 and ones above 18, don't ship. Ben, Sally and Lazari are off limits. Don't ship them, I don't really appreciate Jack x Lazari despite it being cannon.

But on a positive note.

I ADORE reading fanfics in different languages, the French and German community are really skilled writers. Infact about half of my work is inspired off of German creators, not being offensive but I've only seen aboug 12 decent English ones on here

If only I was good at description.

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