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There are a few of the pasta parents that I headcannon to be alive.

Sally/Ben's parents:

I don't remember them killing the parents in any of the stories, not sure if Ben killed the dad though. But I just go with that both guardians are alive.

Valleys Parents:

Come on, I'd highly doubt that Valley would DARE hurt her parents, however I reckon they moved houses so David doesn't tract them down. Valley visits sometimes.

Davids Mother (only):

He went on a massive masacre; hunting and butchering every single step father he'd had. But he didn't touch his mum, either way he wouldn't visit her if his live depended on it.

Mary's Parents

Exactly the same as Valley, just the parents didn't move as Jane has promised to protect the family for her. Mary's parents also claim Jane as their child to help her grief.

Sully's/Randy's Mother:

Sully refuses to see his mother again, not wanting to see her disappointed in how he turned out. Randy sees his mother once a month during the  prison visits.

(I probably forgot some so I'll update if I remember)

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