The Harrison Brothers (Again)

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(This is pretty much a bunch of inside jokes, but I haven't updated this in a while.)

•Sully is pretty much a stereotypical Homosexual despite actually being Bisexual. The thing is with that. Is he had a weird phase of wearing makeup and acting/dressing feminine, funnily enough he played it off and suited the look he went for anyways. Though Randy used to tease him for it.

•Randy never really had any "phases" though he does have quite long hair, which he keeps in a plait/braid, he just thought it blended with his punk style. After all he is literally a gangster and that isn't playing it off as slang.

•The pair were close as kids; don't get me wrong, but neither of them really understood eachother, they couldn't. Randy wanted to become a criminal as he stated hundreds of times. And Sully wanted to get a job and just try and keep his older brother on the right path.

•Now, though, Randy has tried making it up to his sibling, despite that failing plenty of times before. Constantly getting the: "I hate Jeff but even he's a better brother than you were."

•But, quite comically Randys never found himself in any sort of trouble, even when Jeff and Liu were out to kill him. Somehow he wasn't caught.

•Neither of them have seen their mother in a few years, Randy managed to phone his mother after his escape and arrange to meet her in the forest to say goodbye. But Sully has been unable to, after all she thinks he's dead and Sully literally looks like Liu not himself.

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