Chapter 4

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It was December 15th and the Yule Ball was approaching quickly, we where in class and Ron and Harry where discussing the fact that they didnt have dates. As I was immersed in my book I felt a nudge I turned to them confused "Hermione Camila your girls" said Ron causing me and Hermione to roll our eyes "oh well spotted" said Hermione "why not go with us then" Ron said hoping we would agree "I can't I already have a date" Hermione said before packing up and storming off causing me to smirk. Ron looked confused before turning back to me. I looked at him with a arched brow when George stepped in "wow Ron still no date then" he teased causing Ron to turn to him rolling his eyes "you still have no date" retorted Ron causing George to laugh "Camila will you go to the ball with me" asked George causing me to laugh at Ron's reaction of shock "she can't go with you she will go with me or Harry like the good friend she is" Ron snapped causing Harry to smirk from behind him "boys sorry to disappoint but I'm not going to the ball" I said as I packed up my belongings "why not" asked Ron "because I have to go home" I said looking at them Harry seemed to frown at that mention and George just looked concerned. I walked away so I could begin to pack my things to head home, I was almost to the Gryffindor commons when I remebered my training would be put on hold after this. I made it back to see Hermione fuming on the couch "ignore Ron he tried to get me to go with him or Harry then George asked me to go aswell infront of him you should have seen his face" I said laughing causing Hermione to smile "so your going with George" she said with a big smile causing me to sigh "no I'm going with nobody because I'm not going at all I have to go home Dumbledore already knows and is arranging Hagrid to take me home" I replied plopping down next to her "that's not fair you should go forget that Git you call a father" she said as she stroked my hair "exactly but I cant forget my Mum" I replied causing her to sigh "well you better write me everyday!" She exclaimed causing me to laugh "I will" I replied as I stood up to go pack.

Today Professor McGonagall was teaching us to dance, I was sitting next to Harry and the twins where behind us "I will not have you lot looking like a bunch of Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons" she said as I heard the twins behind me "try saying that three times fast" and so they did causing me to smirk at their antics. Ron was asked to dance with her much to his embarrassment "your not going to let him forget this are you" harry said looking at the twins "Never" they both said together soon she told us to partner up and practice. Everyone was partnering up and I just sat there when George asked me to practice with him, taking his hand I joined him and we all practiced. I looked up at him and I could see he had something to say "shame you wont be attending the ball" he said causing me to roll my eyes "you know very well why I can't go" I said as we continued to practice "not really but I won't pry" he said as he spined me "oh please a Weasley not prying that's not likely" I retorted with a scuff he frowned at me "well Apologies to have said anything then" he replied as we stopped dancing "right then I must be on my way enjoy the ball" I said as I rushed off. I was back at the commons of course I just had to offend the one guy I like but I cant help it honestly I dont want to get any closer to him than I already am for his safety, I couldn't help but think about not only having them interviewing with my father but also the risk of putting them in the middle of my new found destiny I just couldn't bear the thought of him losing his life because of me. I hadn't realized I was throwing things into my trunk "why so aggressive" I heard George ask "I'm not" I replied putting my stuff away a bit more gently "right I keep forgetting your a big bottle of secrets that you cant share with your friends" he said calmly looking around the room "oh stuff it Weasley my life isn't perfect and carefree like yours alright so excuse me for being so glum" I snapped slamming my trunk shut as he stared at me surprised "sorry didn't mean to offend you" he said as he walked away causing me to groan.
It was time for me to leave so I said my farewells to everyone before leaving with Hagrid back to my parents apartment, upon arrival I could already hear my father shouting at my mother "I'm home" I said gaining their attention "oh great the freak is back just perfect" he snapped throwing an empty bottle at the wall before staggering off to his room. My mom approached me giving me a big hug "sorry sweetie I know you had a ball back at school you should have stayed" she said as she pulled away with a small smile "and miss christmas with you not a chance" I replied back with my own smile. We went to my room and I put my trunk down looking around at the very four walls that felt like a prison to me, I pulled out a pen and paper and began to write Hermione that I made it home and all was well. Sealing it in an envelope I gave it to my owl stella to take back to Hemione, sighing I plopped down into my bed and tried to get some sleep hoping this break wouldn't turn out as horrible as the rest.

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