Chapter 1

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I was on the Hogwarts Express sitting with Harry and the gang we where in our fourth year of Hogwarts and we have been through alot together already. Between the sorcerer's stone and the chamber of secrets I just wondered what exactly awaited us this year. I was staring out the window as Hermione and Ron where having a debate about some show they both watched over the summer, I wasnt really paying attention to them as this was normal of them. After sometime it went completely quiet then suddenly I heard my name being called "Camila will you tell this git that Ziva is a far better character in the show than Kate was please" Hermione said drawing my attention to them as they all looked at me "I wouldn't know I dont watch NCIS sorry" i said before turning my attention back to the window. It seemed as though my answer wasn't received in a good way when I felt someone place a hand on mine, I turned to look at Harry who was staring at me concerned "are you alrigh Camila you seem distant.. did something happen this summer" he asked as he watched my face for any kind of hint of what was going through my mind. I looked at him with my usual blank face "you should know already Harry I wrote you about the whole thing" I said as he seemed to realize that indeed I did and unfortunately he was the only one who really knew about what really happens to me back home. He sighed and grabbed my hand as he stood up guiding me out of our cabin, we reach a more secluded area when he let my hand go turning to me "let me see" he said as he looked at me upset "it no big deal Harry honeslty you arent treated any better by your family" I responded softly trying not to attract attention. He looked around for a minute before turning back to me more serious "yes but the difference is that I can defend myself better you can't..." he said before realizing what he just inferred "I can take care of myself just fine thank you" I said slightly upset at he accusations. He said before softening his stare "that's not what I meant look just show me I know you said you ended up getting stitches so please I just want to make sure your okay" he said softly causing me to sigh before lifting up my shirt stopping just slightly under my breast. I was then the he inspected the cut that started from just under my breast and stopping just below my ribcage. Just as he was about to speak we heard a familiar voice speak to us "Wow Harry and here I thought you where a gentlemen but out here in the open you cheeky boy you" Fred said teasingly as I pulled my shirt back down quickly, he hadnt realised it was me yet until I turned slightly to him. He frowned a bit as he looked between us "what's going on obviously this isn't what I thought" he said as he approached us causing me to shift uncomfortably "Camila I think you should tell the others" Harry said as he looked at Fred who just looked at me more Concerned "No it's fine I'm fine guys really" I said as I pushed passed Fred and back to our Cabin. As I took my seat I felt Ron and Hermione stare at me causing me to shove in my headphone and blare my music.

We made it to our stop and had to get one the carriages to head to the castle now, I kept my headphones in as I walked passed everyone. Suddenly I came to halt when I saw Fred staring right at me, I could see the questions swimming around his mind and I really didnt want to talk about my life back home it was bad enough that I was called a mudblood by some of the pure bloods but the last thing I wanted was pitty from the Weasley twins. I averted my gaze and saw Hermione extend her hand to me causing me to give a small smile and grab it rushing off with her, once we made it to the school we went through the normal of the entrence speech and the sorting of the first years followed by the feast.

Once done we made our way back to the common room, I had already taking my headphones out and the second we made it in I took of my room and plopped down on the couch exhausted. Hermione went up to our room to sort her stuff and Ron went to his room to do the same leaving me on the couch alone until Harry sat down lifting my legs and laying them across his lap. I looked at him and he smiled but I already knew where this was going "Camila why not come with me to the Burrow this year for the holidays and what not I always go there" he suggested I sighed and rubbed my face "Harry you know I cant leave my own Mum to deal with that Bloody arse on her own" I responded as I closed my eyes "Camila it not healthy for you honestly do you think Molly would be happy to hear that you drunk father like to beat on you and your mother" he said causing me to sit up "it's not their business Potter I thought we where friends and your threatening me to tell Mrs.Weasley seriously what is she going to do yell at the man and get hurt in the process no I can't alright" I snapped looking at him he sighed "you and your mother need to get out of that house Camila" he said as I rolled my eyes moving my legs sitting up "it's not that simple and you know it alright look the only reason why I come to Hogwarts is because my mother makes me so that I'm safe but I go back home everytime because if I'm not there to take the hits then she will and I cant let her do that it's bad enough that she has to while I'm at school but I... I cant just let her Continue to get hurt Harry I'd rather it be me than her she is to nice of a person to deserve such an arse for a husband" I said putting my face in my hands as I sighed at the thought of my mother getting hurt while I'm safe here at school. As he was about to talk Hermione and Ron returned "hey what going on?" Asked Hermione looking between Harry and I concenred "Camila is being abused by her alcoholic Father back at home and refuses to come with me to the Weasley's over the breaks" Harry said causing me to shoot up from my spot "HARRY!" I shouted as Ron and Hermione looked at me shocked "He could have killed her this past summer just look at the gash she has Hermione" he continued "HARRY THIS ISNT YOUR PLACE TO SAY SHUT UP ALREADY!" I yelled at this point some of the othe Gryffindors came down to see what the shouting was about. I looked around Hermione and Ron looked Horrifiwd whole the rest where confused, I did the only thing I knew how to do I ran out of the common room and kept running. I ended up stopping at the black lake gasping for air as I cried I trusted him and he told them after he swore he wouldn't, I took a seat at the end of the pier trying to calm down. After an hour I heard someone approaching me but I refused to turn around "Camila you could have told us we would have helped you" I heard Hermione say as she took a seat next to me "yeah well who is going to help my mother huh it's not like we can use magic outside of school" I replied as I wiped my eyes "look what if we brought your mother to the Burrow I'm sure molly wouldn't mind" she said as I leaned into her as I felt new tears threatening to fall "Hermione it's not just him okay theres alot you guys dont know and honestly I would rather you guys not know because once you find out your view of me will change and you wouldnt want to be friends with me anymore" I said as I wiped my eyes again as she hugged me "we will always be your friend after the thing all four of us have been through there is nothing you could say to make us look at you any diffrent than how we see you now alright" she said as I nodded back to her.

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