chapter 18

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I awoke to George's side of the bed being empty, looking around I saw no sign of him so I stood up putting my underwear back on and his dress shirt I walked out of the room in Hope's to find him downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Thomas making breakfast "your boy toy is gone" he said causing me to look at him "what?" I asked still trying to wake up "your boyfriend.. he left at the crack of dawn this morning hes not here" he said as he fixed two plate handing one to me "he didnt even say goodbye" I said as I looked at my food with a frown "sorry dont know what to tell you" he said as he walked past me. I walked backup to my room with my food and looked around I wasn't sure if I was upset that he left without a word or the fact that he left the morning after we had finally slept together. I put my food down on my desk and got dressed for the day, I wore a faded black tank top with my dark blue skinny jeans I slipped on my combat boots and tied my hair I a loose low ponytail. I never ate my food and just headed out of my room and to the courtyard for our training session, when I got out there I saw Jace already doing sword practice "can i join" i said approching him as he looked at me nodding his head tossing me one of them "you know if i wasnt already trained in this you could have killed me right" i said with a teasing smirk as he just smirked back at me rolling his eyes "but you are trained so stop whining" he retorted causing me to laugh. We practiced for hours and the others joined in as we did sparing partners, it was dinner time when we all went back into the Mansion "who's turn is it to cook?" I asked as we where headed to the sitting room "yours" said Jace making me frown "you dont want me cooking today" I said recalling how George left without a word. Jace looked at me waiting for an explanation "shes out for Weasley blood for leaving after he hit it so I would rather cook dinner than die in his place thank you" Thomas said standing up heading to the kitchen as I glared at his back. I looked back over at Jace who looked as if he had something smart to say about it "more or less" I said before standing up and headed back to my room. Dumbledore hasn't contacted me in awhile and I was starting to get worried, I decided to go check on him so I teleported into Hogwarts and into his office "Miss.Vandort right on time" he said as professor Snape was in the room looking very upset "what's going on" I asked looking between them "I am informing you that Voldemort has made Malfoy swear to kill me and I have asked Severus here to do it instead..." he said as I looked at both of them shocked "wait is there no way for us to figure out a way where you dont die Sir Hogwarts needs you!" I said as he smiled at me "if I'm not dead Draco Malfoy will be killed and if that happens Severus will die for breaking a vow he was made to take for protecting Malfoy" he said causing me to look between them again "when will this happen.." I asked as he didnt reply "I assume sometime before the school year is over.. dont worry Harry will be fine I promise you" he said as he dismissed me. I stormed out of his office wanting badly to punch Malfoy but restrained, I was standing in the halls when I heard my name called "Camila what are you doing here!" Hermione said as Ron and Harry where not to far behind her "just thought I would pop in" i said with a fake smile that they seemed to buy for now "well I'm happy your alright you gave us all a scare on christmas" Harry said as Ron nodded his agreement "oh come now how many times do I have to say it takes alot more to kill me" I said with a smirk as they frowned at me "well I apologize but I must be off" I said as I hugged them and teleported out of Hogwarts. I was supposed to appear back at the mansion but something drew me to Diagon Alleys empty streets, I looked around me not seeing anyone. I walked slowly incase something happened, I went to grab my wand from my boot remembering that I left it on my dresser back at the hide out "shit" I said in a whisper as I turned around to see if I was being followed. Suddenly i heard whispers calling my name turning around i saw thre black smoke clouds coming my way so i ran in the opposite direction not wanting to use my abilities here. I made a sharp right into a busy street where I ran into somebody causing me to hit the ground, immediately I stood up and looked back down the alley to see Bellatrix smile at me from the shadows before disappearing again "Camila is that you?" I heard Fred say causing me to turn to him as I tried to catch my breath "hey what's wrong you look terrified" he said worried "I...I..." I couldnt even find my voice as he lead me down the road and to his and George's joke shop. He sat me down on an empty chair in the office when he heard his name being called "hey Georgie I ran into your girlfriend and she looks spooked!" He yelled back causing me to snap out of my trance "I need to go! Now!" I demanded as I sprang to my feet, I was about to open the door when George came in looking at me worried as I just glared at him. Fred noticed my expression "did something happen between the two of you?" He asked as we both turned around to look at him "NO!" We both said firmly as George set his attention back to me "what happened what was Fred talking about?" He said as I rolled my eye pushing past him and down the stairs "I cant talk I need to get back to...SHIT!"  I said as i stopped and began to pace on the main floor of their shop "What!" Fred asked as i bit my thumb nail as i was trying to think "just shush for a minute please" I snapped as I sat down closing my eyes focusing my powers "evocatio custodes" I said as I opened my eyes fully aware of there color change soon enough Jace answered my summons "Camila what happened you went to you room pissed of at weas...." he stopped when he noticed both twins Fred smirking for being right and George looking confused as he turned to me "I want go back to the mansion and the rest of you need to get out Now!" I said causing him to look at me confused "what? why? Camila tell me what happened?" He said as he looked at me worried "I dont know Jace one minute I was leaving Hogwarts after having a chat with Dumbledore and halfway through my teleportation I wa in the abbonded part of Diagon alley" i said throwing my hands into the air as he clenched his jaw "death eaters?" He asked looking at me more serious than before "Bellatrix and two guys I didnt recognize Jace the hide out is compromised I cant teleport anywhere and I dont have my wand" i said looking at him concerned. At this point we had completely forgotten the twins "I can get your wand for you but why bot use your abilities against them" he asked as I sighed "to many casualties I cant risk hurting innocent people Jace I need my wand" i said as he seemed to understand "wait so when you ran into me you where running for you life from death eaters" Fred asked as he stood next to me "oh sorry o forgot you guys where here but yes that's why for the first time in almost two years you saw i looked terrified" I said calmly turning back to Jace "warn the others get out and find a new place maybe Abigail can use her rips in the space to safely transport the lot of you" I suggested as he shook his head back and forth "no she cant to dangerous but we could.. no that wont work" he said as he started to pace "Jace you need to go tell them bow before they get attacked  you can all stay at my uncles family home for the time being but I wont be joining you" I said gaining his attention "Camila our job is to help you succeed in your we cant seperate and you know it" he said as I just rubbed my face in frustration "what choice do I have Jace right now I'm useless if they can tap into my teleportation who knows what other one of my abilities they can mess up it's to risky" I countered as he sighed "we will meet at Hogwarts Camila that's that" he finished before disappearing again. I remebered our audience and turned back around to the twins "I need to go" i said as George looked angry "the hell you are Camila you said it yourself you cant use your abilities you have no wand and there are possibly death eaters out there waiting for you!" He yelled causing me to glare at him as Fred looked between us "you have no right to tell me what to do George or should I say sir Hit it then split in the morning while the other is still sleeping" I warned him in a low voice Fred at this point moved back from us "what the hell is that supposed to mean you knew I was coming back today so I dont get why your so upset" he shot back causing me to laugh out of anger "most people would wake the other person to let them know that their leaving you know say food bye like a normal fucking person would" I snapped back at him as he rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose "maybe you two should...." "SHUT UP FRED!" George and I yelled at him causing him to put his hands up "I'm not letting you leave here Camila not with those Death Eaters out there and you have no wand to defend yourself with" he said with a serious expression "FRED!" I yelled as he pointed to himself before walking over to us "yes" he said looking awkward in the situation "wand!" I demanded as he looked at me suprised "you want my wand?" He asked as I turn to him with seering glare "right then here you go dont kill me please" he said as he handed me his wand before stepping back from us again "therein armed now have a nice night George someof us have a world to protect thank you" I said a bit more bitterly than I wanted as I stormed out of their shop and into the busy streets. I looked around and saw no sign of them i was trying to figure out how i was going to get back to Hogwarts when i saw Fawkes appear "Jace must be at Hogwarts and informed Dumbledore on what happened" I said to myself as I turned to look at the shop to see the twins arguing through the glass. Sighing I walked back in halting their bickering as Fred looked at me surprised "here thanks but Dumbledore was kind enough to send Fawkes to retrieve me" I said as I handed Fred his wand back before walking out again. I went to Fawkes who just stared at me "oh dont sit there an judged me" I said making the bird squeak at me opening up his wings as if he was arguing back making me roll my eyes "shall we go then" I said as he flew in a circle then at me making me dissapear in a fiery blast. I was now in Dumbledore's office where Jace was waiting with my wand "thanks" I said as I slipped it into my boot "Sirius apartment isnt safe Bellatrix knows it causing me to frown "then what do we do I dont know anywhere else other than Hogwarts that's safe and even here isnt going to be safe anymore after your gone" I said while Dumbledore tried to think of something for us "yes but I'm still here so this is the safest place for the time being" he said causing me to frown "with all of us here the Death Eaters will.." he cut me off "the Death eaters would be fools to step foot on these grounds while im here" he said "or they will just pressure Malfoy to hurry with his plans" I shot back "that wont happen Miss.Vandort we will have a building made close to Hagrids hut for you all until then I suggest you go back to your commons" he said causing me to look at him confused. We left his office as I looked at everyone "did you all go to Hogwarts?" I asked "of course we did what house are you from Camila" Emma asked "I'm Gryffindor" I said as Newt And Emma got excited " so are we" they said making me smile before looking at Kel, and Thomas "Ravenclaw" they said as they high fived eachother. Nola and Abigail smiled at eachother "hufflepuff" then that only left Jace and the one house I disliked the most "slytherin" he said not so proudly "well if it makes you feel better you the coolest and nicest Slytherin I've met" I said earning me a smile. We all headed for the common rooms Newt Emma and I walked in to find Harry and them sitting on the couch "Camila!" Harry said rushing over to me hugging me "Dumbledore told us are you alright?" He asked as I smiled "fine" i said as Hermione frowned at me "i told you to be careful what kind of witch leaves her house without her wand" she said "a stupid one" I responded causing Newt and Emma to snigger gaining a glare from Hermione "and they are" she said as they composed themselves "we are also Guardians my name is Emma" she said extending her hand "Newt" he said as he did the same "I'm hermione and that Ron and then you have.." newt cut her off "the Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the savior of Hogwarts every year with the help of his friends of course" he said indicating to me Hermione and Ron causing us to laugh. We all talked for sometime then we all went to bed to get the much needed rest.

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