chapter 11

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Hermione and them told me of the plan to start Dumbledore's army I was in and obviously I was going to help Harry with teaching the spells. I was now at Hagrids empty hut staring at it not sure what to do Mason and I have been doing good but with all the stress from Umbridges punishments and and rules and the fact I was always in trouble with her I wasnt sure how much longer we where going to last and that hurt to think about. We have been dating for three months now and i felt a real strong connection with him but he has been becoming distant and jealous of George lately. I walked back to the castle to see some first years crying I walked over to them and saw I will not break the rules on their hands causing me to frown "hold on I can help" I said as I stood up and grabbed a bottle of water before kneeling infront of them again "here" I said grabbing on of their hand using the water to heal them. I finished healing the three first years and they thanked me before walking away, I watched them leave when I heard Umbridge scuff "what's the point in punishing them if your just going to make everything better they will never learn" she said as she smiled at me "oh bite me you git" I said causing her to glare "Detention tonight at..." I stopped her rolling my eyes "at five yeah yeah yeah" I said waiving her off as I walked away fuming. I got back to the commons as I plopped onto the couch aggressively causing Fred and Hermione to look at me concerned "Umbridge?" As Fred causing me to sigh as I nod my head "I have detention because I healed these three first years that where crying from her punishment" I said rolling my eyes as they both looked away angrily "someone need to put her in her place" said Fred causing me to laugh "her place is the spy for the ministry no one can touch her" I retorted "you can.." said Hermione before closing her mouth quickly "no I cant she only knows of me being a guardian but not that I actually have something to guard" I said as I placed my head in my hand "right you could blow the whole cover Dumbledore gave you" she said as Fred looked between us confused "what cover" he asked "Camila already Graduated and is no longer tracked for using magic underaged all because she has a prophecy to fulfill" answered Hermione as Fred looked surprised "then why is she here taking classes?!?" He asked causing me to laugh "because that's my cover as far as anyone knows I'm just a Guardian without a purpose so I have to attend school to make it look that way Fred" I said as he seemed to understand.
I left Umbridges office passed midnight and my hand was throbing from writing I will not disobey my superiors, I was back in the. Commons and I couldnt help but think about tomorrow's first DA meeting. I went uptown bed and got dressed in my black shorts and white tank top climbing in to get much needed rest.

I was walking down the halls for our first DA meeting and Mason was following closely behind, when we got there I duble checked to see if we where followed before entering the hidden room. Upon us entering I saw Harry Hermione Ron and the twins, then I saw Cho Luna and a few other people including Ginny and Dean. I walked over to Harry and them in Hope's to see how many people actually joined "so" I asked as he smiled "there all in let's begin" he said as he walked to the middle of the room .talking with everyone explaining what he was going to be teaching. The meeting was over for today and Mason stopped me "hey Camila are we alright" he asked as I looked at him confused "what do you mean?" I asked as I could feel Harry and the twins stare at us "it's just alot has been going on and I just felt like I dont know like your becoming more distant" he said looking at the ground "I haven't been the one causing the distance Mason it's been you" I said looking at a wall for a second hoping this conversation wasnt heading where I thought it was "really I'm sorry I didntnmean to I just I dont want this to end this way I really like you.." he said causing me to look at him with a smile "well actually i love you Camila" he said causing me to smile even bigger "aw Mason" I said as I hugged him. He seemed to realize I didnt say it back but he didnt seem to mention it, i would be lying if i said i didnt still love George but I did really like Mason. He left to go back to the Hufflepuff Commons and I walked over to Harry and them "let's go" I said while Fred and Harry smiled at me "not a word" I said as they all grabbed my hand as I teleported us back to the Gryffindor commons. Harry left for bed and the twins stayed back with me "so Mason said the big three words to you" Fred said with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes "and you didnt say it back?" Said George with a matching smirk "I dont think that any of your business boys" I shot back with a glare "do you not love him?" Fred said still smirking "or are you to afraid to" said George with the same smirk "I'm not afraid alright I really like him but I cant say that I love him yet" I said before standing up walking away to my room where Hermione was already ready for bed. I got into my night clothes and sighed gaining her attention "what's wrong Camila" she asked as I turned to look at her "Mason told me he loved me and I couldnt say it back the Fred and George got on my case about" I said as I rubbed my temples "well is it because you still love George" she asked causing me to glare at her "honestly I do still love him but I really do have strong feelings for Mason I just cant bring my self to say I love you to him because then it will become real I guess" I admitted before falling back onto my bed with a sigh "give it time Mason seems like the best option right now" she said as she laid down. I laid there in the dark staring at the ceiling not sure what to do before deciding sleep was my best option at this point.

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