Chapter 24

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It was septwmber now and I was eight months pregnant sitting in the living room on the couch while the twins where running the shop downstairs, i was starting to get hungry looking at the clock it was almost dinner time. Getting up I couldnt help but notice how I couldnt see my feet anymore, groaning i walked to the kitchen and went through the fridge to see I needed to go grocery shopping "well I guess I'm going to the market" I grumbled as I grabbed my purse walking out of the flat locking the door behind me. I walked downstairs and saw the twins attending customers "MUM MUM LOOK ITS HER ITS REALLY HER!!" I heard a little girl say excitedly while pointing at me gaining George's attention as he smiled at the sight of me "I'm so sorry my daughter is a big fan of yours and what you did" she said as I smiled kneeling down to her "is it true.. that you are Harry Potter's Gaurdian!" She said excited causing me to laugh "was I no longer need to protect him anymore" I said as her eye sparkled "I wanna be a Gaurdian" she said causing me to feel a bit uneasy at those words "it seems like a fun job doesnt it" I said as she nodded her head as her mother looked at her concerned "it's really not you tun the risk of getting the ones you love hurt and not even all the powers in the world could make up for that" I said with sad smile as she seemed to notice I was speaking from experience "oh I'm sorry for your loss" she said causing me to smile at her "its alright.. here promise me this if you someone in need no matter how small the circumstance you will help them" I said as she smiled at me nodding her head "I promise!" She said causing me to laugh "is it alright if she gets a picture with you?" He mother asked as she looked at me excited "of course" i said as she stood next to me with a smile. After I took a picture with her I high fived her before she ran off to look around the store "that was nice of you" George said as he kissed the side of my head "yeah just imagine another month and we will have a kid who gets excited about their idols" I said as my smiled faded "I dont know why but when she said she wanted to be a Gaurdian like me it upset me" I said as I turned to George who seemed to sigh "well maybe because of everything you and your friends went through all because of some destiny.. you being the person you are wouldnt wish that suffering on anybody" h said as I turned back to the little girl who was now looking at some of the twins candies "oh right I'm heading to the market we need groceries" I said as he turned to me with a smile. I kissed his cheek before walking out of the shop to see the busy streets of Diagon alley, I walked down the road until I found the market upon entering I noticed Hermione there with Ron looking at fresh Fruits so as quietly as I could I snuck up behind them as they talked "oh come on Ron it's simple strawberries or mangos" she said annoyed "Strawberries with a little bit of cream cheese dip" I whispered causing her and Ron to jump back as i laughed "oh my god Camila look at you and that darling child" Hermione said as she hugged me then rubbed my growing belly "is my nephew giving you to much trouble" joked Ron causing me to let out an exaggerated sigh "little bugger wakes me up every five minute for something sweet and when George is around forget it the kid wont stop kicking" I said causing them to laugh. We had said our goodbyes as they continued to shop, so I grabbed a basket and went around to find some stuff of course I grabbed Strawberries and some cream cheese dip but i also grabbed some apples to back a pie tomorrow. After getting everything we would need for the week I paid for the stuff and walked out, my arms where covered in bags and I already had a hard time walking but now I had to stop every five seconds to catch my breath "nope forget it I'm living on the street" I said out loud as I sat on a bench exhausted after just walking for seven feet I heard somebody laugh causing me to turn in their direction to see Newt standing there "need help" he asked with a smile "if you insist" I said with my own smirk passing him most of the bags as I carried two. We made it back to Weasley's wizard Wheezes, making way past some of the few customers left for the day when Fred noticed us "so how far did you get today!" He chirped causing me to glare at him "well if she came from the market I think she did it was about maybe seven feet" Newt replyed causing me to slap his chest "impressive last week it was only five" Fred said as he walked away with a smirk "Fred Weasley you are lucky I love you or I would have burned your hair off in you sleep" I called out after him causing him to laugh. Newt and I continued on to the flat upstairs, i unlocked the door and he placed the groceries on the table "stay for dinner it's the least i can do since you helped me" i said placing my bag on the table as well "I dont know..." he said looking around "oh shush tell Abigail to come as well it would be nice to spend time with you guys" I said as I put the groceries away "your scary sometimes you know that" he said as I turned to him with a smirk "it wasnt hard to tell you two had a thing for eachother" I said as I pulled out the whole chicken putting it to the side for dinner tonight "I'll let her know" he said flashing out of the flat leaving me to laugh to myself. I seasoned the chicken and placed it in the oven, leaning back up I groaned out in pain as my back was sore. Walking over to the bag of potatoes I began to peel them but stopped to grip the counter as my back was hurting to much "hey sit down I'll do that" I heard George say as he placed his coat on the chair "no.. no i can do it you've been working all day i think this kid is just doing somersaults in there is all" I said with a soft laugh before taking a small breath "at least let me help my job isnt as hard as yours" he retorted causing me to look at him "George it's not that hard to have a baby develop in me the hardest part is delivering the baby!" I said causing him to laugh "right sorry" he said as he grabbed the peeler and began to peel the potatoes for me. I sat in one of the chairs at the table trying to ease the pain a bit "oh I invited Newt and Abigail over for dinner since Newt was kind enough to lend me a hand with the bags today" I said as I heard George laugh I knew where he was going with this "7 feet okay!" I snapped causing him to laugh even more "you could have waited for me love I would have accompanied you" he said as I smiled at him "that's sweet and all but I'm quite tired of you and Fred acting like I cant do anything because I'm pregnant" I said as he arched a brow at me "alright I get it I died and came back and Pomfrey told me to take it easy in case something happened with the baby but come on I just feel so useless" I said as I pouted. George stopped peeling the potatoes and walked over to where I was sitting kneeling infront of me and grabbing my hands "after everything you've been though in these past four years you are anything but useless you could burn me alive if you so wished but for the sake of our child Camila you need to take it easy" he said softly ask he kissed my hand "your right" I said looking away "excuse me... I'm right how did those words taste coming out of your mouth" he said with a smirk as i turned back to him "like vinegar" I retorted causing him to laugh "you know this isnt how I pictured this but.." he said as he fixed his posture causing me to look at him confused as he pulled out a small velvet box "Camila will you marry me?" He asked casuing me to gasp as I stared at him surprised "oh no I think I broke you" he said as he waved his hand in my face causing me to slap it out of my way "yes George I will marry you" I finally said causing him to stand up pulling me with him and kiss me before slipping the small silver band onto my finger I looked at it and noticed a small diamond in the middle with a smaller black gem on each side "do you like it" he said worried "I love it George just like I love you" I said kissing his lips again as he smiled "I really need to finish dinner though" I said as we both laughed.

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