Chapter 2

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We where already one month into school and since that incident with George I have avoided the twins like the black plague. I was currently in the library studying while I listened to my music, as I was focused I didnt realize someone had sat next to me until I felt someone push my head to the side taking out my headphones frustrated I turned and saw Pansy smirking at me "Vandort why not do us all a favor and just disapear you and Granger dont belong here you mudbloods need to leave" she said as she knocked my books down before walking away. I sat there taking deep breaths before bending down to pick my books up off the ground, after I cleaned up my books I decided to pack up and go I honestly didnt have the mental durability to handle this bullying today. I made it to the tower and sat there trying my best not to cry , suddenly I was pinned to the ground I tried my best to fight them off but then Pansy appeared "I think you need to be branded that way everyone will know what you are" she said as she pulled out her wand as her lackey pulled up my sleeves. She began to use a spell to carve into my skin causing me to scream out in pain, she finished her first word but before she could continue I heard Harry and them "Let her go" Pansy turned to look and saw all three of them with their wands pointed at her "girls let's go" she said as they let me go. The ran off and Hermione was already next to me as I laid the on my side holding my arm crying "Hermione you need to be careful she made it obvious she wants us gone.." I whimpered out. Harry picked me up and they all took me back to the commons and into the boys room, Harry placed me on the bed as Ron went to get a washcloth. I finally decided to see what she wrote and saw MudBlood was carved into my arm "we can find something to get rid of it I promise" said Hermione getting up and leaving while Harry tried to inspect it. I pulled my arm back "I'm fine and dont worry about it thanks for the help guys but I'm fine dont worry" I said as I held in my tears before getting off Harry's bed and walking out of the room quietly. As I walked down the stairs slowly I ran into someone "sorry.." I muttered as I held my arm closely to me. Suddenly I felt the person pull my arm to look at it "who did this?" I heard George say I just pulled my arm back quietly "I did I thought it looked cool.." I said as I slowly made my way passed him "Camila I know you didnt do that to yourself especially at the fact I can tell you where crying just tell me the truth I can help..." he said as I stopped "I told you I did it.." I replied before continuing down the stairs to see Hermione not to far from us about to speak but I just kept going.

George POV

I saw Hermione standing there as she watched her friend slowly walk off, she turned to me with concerned eyes and I knew she knew something. We all care about Camila and to see her like this is just hard to watch I mean sure shes normally quite and just sits there but at least she would crack a smile or a laugh every now and then. I walk over to Granger and she looks at me "what happened?" I asked as I looked down at her "Pansy and her gang happened" she growled, ah now I understand they never liked Granger or Vandort since they have muggle parents but still I felt my blood boil at the thought of them doing such things to her. Hermione looked like she wanted to say more but she couldn't "is there something else Fred and I should know about?" I said as I watched her she seemed to shift uncomfortably "That's up to Camila" was all she said before she hurried off after her friend. I was still staring in the direction where both girl dissapeared in when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, turning I saw Fred looking at me concerned "not much we can do unless she ask us to George" he said as he turned around and went to our room leaving me there to my thoughts.

Back to Camila

I was sitting on my bed staring at it quietly not trusting myself to speak with out bursting into tears. I got out of my school robe and uniform when someone walked in, thinking it was Hermione I turned to her annoyed but I saw it was George Weasley standing there shocked "GET OUT!" I yelled as I crouched down covering myself as he ran out of the room. I quickly pulled on some black pajama bottoms with its matching tank top and my knitted grey cardigan, once dressed I yanked the door open glaring at George who seemed to be staring at my right side at the moment "ever heard of knocking Weasley" I asked irritated as he walked in closing the door behind him to immediately lifted up my shirt "WHAT THE HELL!"  I screamed pulled my shirt back down "how did you get that wound and don't tell me you did cause you thought it would look cool Camila" he spoke seriously causing me to look away I honestly hated when the twins where serious they where normally so cheerful and silly but when they got serious you knew that they wouldnt back down. I wouldn't answer him or look at him "Camila tell me the truth please are we not friends.. come on your like a little sister to me I really care" he pleaded with me but the only thing I heard was 'your like a little sister to me' ouch that stings "it's not your concern George" I said softly still not looking at him "was it Pansy?" He asked softly causing me to roll my eyes "no it wasnt Pansy" I said still looking at the ground "then who Camila please I want to help" he said causing me to look up at him "you cant help me with this problem no one can George I'm sorry" I said as I turned around trying my best to hide my emotions right now "look can you leave please I really want to be alone..." I softly said as I felt like I wanted to cry I heard him sigh but the door opened then closed. I finally broke down crying I want to tell him I want to hold him while he tells me it will be alright but I just cant I won't put them in the middle of my problems.

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