chapter seven

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I parked my motorcycle outside of Grimmauld Place, London staring at the building thinking about everything I was told. I grabbed my small duffle bag and stood outside the building before teleporting inside, I placed my bag down and could hear Molly and the other adults talking in the room ahead of me. I made a sound to gain there attention, Molly seemed to notice and walked over to me confused not quiet recognizing me yet. I took off my sunglasses and gave her a small smile "oh dear Cami.." I stopped her and indicated for us to go into the room where she had just ascended from. When I got in there my mother sprang to her feet rushing over to me excitedly as she gave me a big hug "CAMILA DARLING ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU!" She exclaimed cheerfully as she released me. Molly gave me a hug as well and my back was facing the doorway when I heard various footsteps running downstairs. Still not turning around I heard them stop "who's that?" I heard Harry say causing me to turn around with a smirk as I took off my leather jacket "come now I dont think I've changed that much that my own brother wouldnt recognize me when he saw me" I said as I placed my jacket on a chair. Harry hurriedly came to me embracing me as i laughed "you've gotten slightly taller and your hair did you dye it?" He said i knew he didnt want to mention the fact that my body has developed more since they last saw me so i just smiled "no actually training spell gone wrong so now my hair is permanently a silver white color" I replied as I hugged Hermione "you promised to write me and you never did!" She exclaimed as she looked at me furiously causing me to laugh a bit. I hugged the weasley brothers before turning back to Molly handing her the letter Dumbledore told me to give her "I must speak with all the adults..." I said looking at them before turning to look at my friends as they looked at me confused "Alone.." I finished as Molly rushed them off. I sighed as I walked over to the fireplace "as you can see in the letter you know why I'm here" I said turning to them as Molly seemed unpleased "your only 15.." she said as I gave her a small smile "yes and that is why I am an unofficial member of the order but there is something you need to know as to why I'm a member" I said as all the adults looked at me especially Sirius "I am Harry potters Guardian he is the chosen one and he will need to defeat you know who" I said as they all looked as if they saw this coming. Sirius approached me concerned "i dont like this my god son and you risking your lives it's just not acceptable" he stated as I looked at him confused "well in all honesty you really have no say in the matter of weather or not I die protecting him" I replied as my mother stood up. Clearing her throat "he has a right to be worried for you dear" she said as I looked at her confused. She sighed as she stepped next to him and taking hold of his hand "oh mother please dont tell me that's he really my father" I said hoping I was wrong, she laughed and so did he "no sirius is your uncle and my older brother Camila you are part of the Black family" she said as I tried to absorb this new information "well I cant say I'm thrilled but I can understand and hopefully get some answer later but he still cant tell me what I can do it's not my choice and I have to do what I have to do in order to make sure Harry stays alive to defeat you know who" I exclaimed as everyone seemed a bit tense at the whole mention. I sighed as I tried to collect thoughts "call them in I need to tell them about me" I said as Sirius called everyone down, soon George and them where in the room and I tried to think of the best way to say this to them "I know you must be wondering why I've been gone and what I meant by training and all so I'm going to tell you.. I am a guardian my purpose is to protect something or someone" I said I was about to continue when I was interrupted by Fred "what is it that your protecting if I may ask" he said "magic itself" i replied obviously lying Hermione and the other adults knew that. So as I was about to continue I was interrupted by Harry this time "what do you mean by training and who where you training with?" He asked "I was training to control and use my abilities I have control of the elements and I can astroproject and teleport as for who was training me it was both Snape and Dumbledore any other questions" I said a bit annoyed from being constantly interrupted "is this why you where so secretive last year" George asked as I turn to look at him "yes this is what I couldn't tell any of you about last year" I said before glancing at Hermione. That didnt seem to go unnoticed by the twins as they looked at her before turning back to me "my job is very dangerous and with this job I am to lay down my life if it means protection what I must" I finished before walking out of the room grabbing my duffle bag I headed upstairs to find an empty room. I had found the last room that wasnt occupied so I placed down my duffle bag, I pulled out my grey sports bra with my fitted black workout leggings that where highwaisted. After putting those on I began to do some stretches, i did a complete split and leaned all the way forward until I felt my chest touching the hardwood floor "well arent you flexible" I heard an all to familiar voice say causing me to lean back up to look at George "I'm full of surprises that you have no idea" I said standing up leaning forward as I pulled my leg over to touch my head. I could feel him staring at me and I tried ignoring it after last year I dont want to get my hopes up "they must have really worked with you huh" he said bitterly causing me to drop my leg and look at him confused "and what was that supposed to mean" I asked slightly upset by his indication "nothing" he replied still a bit bitterly as I narrowed my eyes at him "for your information weasley before I ever went to hogwarts I was captain to my gymnastics team also had a harsh work out regiment that I stopped when I realized being at student at Hogwarts didnt really give me much time for it so before you go around disgracing those men think about what you where just accusing them of" I seethed before turning around dropping to the floor to begin my push ups. I heard him shuffling around to then see him infront of me doing push ups as well "I apologize I wasnt thinking your right they would never take advantage of anyone" he said as I looked him in the eye as we where in sync with our push ups "apology accepted but honestly the whole protective big brother thing just feels weird coming from you I already have Harry and Fred for that" i said as i smirked at him "and who said it was from a brothers perspective?" He said with his own smirk causing me to roll my eyes "you did last year when you said our snogging session was weird like you just snagged your sister" I pointed out as he seemed to look a bit embarrassed. After doing 75 push ups I stood up and stretched my arms "when I said that it was because of what Hermione was suggesting you where 14 Camila" he said causing me to roll my eyes "and I'm only 15 now George my body may look like that of a 20 year old women but the fact of the matter is I'm only a year older than I was when you said that" I replied as I placed my leg on his shoulder scooting my other one back slightly so I was stretching against him "ub Camila" he said a bit flustered causing me to smirk at him "oh stop your whining and hold still your the tallest thing in here to do this with so dont move" I retorted as his stiffened up. I switched legs and I could see him checking me out from the corner of my eye "well well well I wasnt expecting the two of you to be this close within thirty minutes of reuniting should I prepare the wedding invitations" I Heard Fred say from the door way as I dropped my left to smirk at him "now why would I want that my line of work I cant really have any kind of connection like that to risky you know" I said as I indicated him to walked foward. Fred walked over to me as i stood there looking at him "attack me i want to make sure I'm still sharp" i said as he looked confused but did he was told, I grabbed onto him swinging onto his shoulder wrapping my legs around his neck and grabbing his head as if I was going to break his neck. He seemed stiff for a second thinking I was going to do it "dead" I said before releasing him and walking around to look at him as he just smirked at me "look at that Camila killer of men you better be careful brother" he said as he walked out as I laughed. I turned back to my bag grabbing out some make up remover and my hair brush before sitting down infront of a mirror. I wiped off my black smokey eyes and marron colored lipstick then I pulled my hair tie out and undid the braid that was in it to then brush it all out as it cascaded down to my lower back like a curtain. I stood up and grabbed a white t-shirt when I remembered George was still there turning around I was wrong he had left without me even noticing. I sighed I knew that what just happened was giving me false hope for us but I honestly thought things changed between us, I walked out of my room and went downstairs to explore a bit. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs i saw a room with a piano so I walked in and took a seat as I brushed my fingers along the keys. I had a slight smile before I began to play my song that I finally had finished.

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