Chapter 12

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We where in our D.A. meeting andntoday Harry was showing every one how to preform expecto patronum Luna made a rabbit Hermione had an otter Ginny has a horse Ron has a jack Russell terrier and Cho has a swan. I looked over at the twin and Fred had managed to get it right and he had a fox "alright Camila your turn" Harry said as everyone watched me "expecto Patronum" I said as a weasel appeard "brilliant!" Harry said as he walked away I looked at Mason and he had a wolf. I smiled at him as my weasel took place on my shoulder "how did you do that" asked George not yet getting the hang of it "think of your happiest memory and focus on that like Harry said" I replied as he furrowed his brows and tried again but to no avail. Fred stood next to me with a smirk "a weasel huh" Fred said earning him an elbow "i have an idea to what happy memory you used" he said doubled over with a strained laugh "zip it or I'll zip it for you" I silently warned him as he pretended to zip his lips. The lesson was over and we all left Harry said he would find his own way back Umbridge was really cracking down on us about student organized groups and no one wanted to be caught. We got back to the commons and got ready for bed Hermione smirked at me but said nothing as I laid down in bed closing my eyes hoping to get a good nights rest.

A week went by and we where all in the room of requirements everyone was accounted for except one person Cho. Hermione suggested that she could be ratting us out but Harry refused to hear it we where practicing expecto patronum again when we heard a loud explosion sound causing everyone to stop as we all looked at the wall behind Harry. The glass broke and harry walked over to the small hole formed in the wall before scream fo us to take cover. I felt somebody wrap their arms around me as the wall was blown to pieces, as the person moved I noticed it was Mason who had protected me from the blast and Umbridge with her slytherin help standing on the other side. She had flitch grab Harry and Malfoy grabbed me as Umbridge escorted us out of the room of requirements while everyone protested.we where in Dumbledore's office as the ministry where telling him how Harry and I would be expelled "I organized the whole thing" Dumbledore said causing Harry and I to look at him shocked we protested but Dumbledore still took the blame since we where called Dumbledore's army. As they where about to arrest him he winked at us before disappearing with Fawkes in a flashing fire leaving us all standing there speechless. Harry and I where escorted back to the commons as we tried to wrap our heads around what just happened "are you guys alright!" I heard Hermione say as she ran over to us giving us a hug "Dumbledore is gone" I said as she released us looking at us shocked "he took the blame now he is wanted and if found will be sent to azkaban" I finished before polping down on the couch. To much has happened in just one night and I wasnt surenif i could take much more "I'm leaving" i said causing them all to look at me shocked "but what about Dumbledore's plan" Hermione said as I put a finger to my lips to indicate their might be listening ears "I cant stay mione" i replied as i stood up and headed upstairs to bed.

I was currently pacing in my room thinking about what Hermione said she was right I couldnt leave not yet I had to stay in case Harry needed me. Things where terrible under Umbridges rule honestly I wanted to over throw her but then I would just end up like Dumbledore wanted and that wouldnt really be helping Harry. I walked out of my room and out of the commons hoping breakfast would help clear my mind, I sat down at my usual spot and grabbed some coffee not once speaking to anyone I had alot on my mind and had no time for having fun or playing around. I finished my food and coffee and left the great hall, I felt somebody grab my arm causing me to turn around rolling my eyes "What!" I snapped to notice it was Mason "sorry didnt mean to upset you I'll just go then" he said looking upset as I groaned "no wait I'm sorry I just... i have alot on my mind right now what's up" i asked looking at him with my best I'm sory eyes he was still slightly frowning "i just wanted to check on you since Dumbledore dissapeared you have been distant lately" he said causing me to sigh "I know .. i know and I'm sorry i just have a lot going on right now" i said putting my face in my hands "alright well I'm gonna go let you get back to your thinking" he said a bit bitterly as he walked away leaving me to sigh as I turned back around and headed for class.

It was later that night and I was sitting on the couch in the common room with my headphones in when I remembered I could use my Patronus to give Sirius a message so running upstairs I did what I had to and sent my Patronus out hoping Sirius would get my message and give us some advice. I sat on my bed playing with my pendent Mason gave me before I sighed again "I'm not perfect" I a said softly to myself as I yanked the chain off and looked at the silver moon with a sad expression "it's for the best" I said as I placed the pendent in a box before walking back downstairs where Harry and them where talking about their next move.

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