chapter 23

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It was may now and I was laying on my cot when suddenly I heard Neville's voice "we have more coming in" he said as Newt and Emma walked over to greet them as I kept my back to them the whole time I had gained some weight but wasnt quite showing yet. As I drew small circles on my. Blanket bored out of my mind I heard Emma laugh "Camila come say hi" she said as I raised my hand in the air giving a pitiful wave "Camila dont be such a glum nut come now" this time I flicked her off causing the new arrivals to laugh I recognized those laughs "sorry George she doesnt want to see you" I heard Newt say  as I sat up chucking my water bottle at Emma and Newt making them laugh. I stood up and felt slightly light headed shaking my head I walked over to them "Hey Camila been up to no good I suppose" ask Fred casuing me to smile as I hugged him "I wish" i said glaring at Newt and Emma as enma shot me a blah face knowing very well why i glared at them "hello love" George said as he leaned in to kiss me "hi George" I said as I smiled we all went back to sit down when not even ten minutes later we heard Neville's voice call out"hey guess who showed up!" He said as Harry Ron and Hermione all came through the painting I shot out of my cot running over to them hugging them "your back is it time then" I said as Harry nodded before turning to everybody. He walked to the middle of the room as the rest of us gathered around as he began to tell us why he was back
"Right then, so what's the plan, Harry?" Neville asked "Okay, there's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle, and it may help us defeat You-Know-Who." He responded as everyone began to murmur about "Right, what is it?" Asked Neville as we turned back to harry "We don't know." He responded "Where is it?" Asked Dean this time "We don't know that either. I realize that's not much to go on." Harry said looking at apologetically "That's nothing to go on" said Seamus as we all looked around. I left the group and walked over to Newt and Emma that where talking amongst themselves "alright while Harry searches we have to...." Emma looked at me with apologetic eyes "sorry Camila we wont let you help" she said causing me to look at the astonished "I dont care what you think I have a job to do and I'm going to do it so either your with me or I'll do it alone" I said as Newt turned to Emma "alright we will defend against the death Eaters until it's time for Harry to fight You know who" said Newt as I nodded Jace and them appeard and joined us as we discussed who was going to be where.

Harry left the room and I put on my black skinny Jean's and a grey loose grey tank top with my combat boots and my black leather jacket I had did a lose ponytail and stepped out from behind the changing blinds we had. George walked over to me with a sad smile "see you soon" he said as I looked up at him "yeah see you soon because this isnt goodbye" I said as I placed a soft kiss on his lips before walking out after my team. Snape had been driven out by Professor McGonagall Harry and a few others, we all took our places I was in the main hall waiting. Soon death eaters made their way in past the barriers and that's when a hell broke loose, I ran straight out of the main doors causing McGonagall and mrs.Weasley to move out of the way as I jumped into the air aiming my fist to the ground causing it all to crumble. Some death eaters got caught in it falling as some students unharmed them and killed them, I then ran to my left where I heard a loud explosion I saw some first years being attacked so encasing my arms in flames I launched infront of them grabbing one of the death eaters burning them alive before using water on the other one capturing their head in a bubbled of water as they struggled to breath "go now!" I yelled as the two first years ran off to find safety. I continued to run and find anyone who need med help almost always stopping to fight off Death eaters. I got to the court yard when seven Death eaters appeared infront of me slamming my fist to the ground they sprung up out of the way and began throwing spells at me. I was getting over wheeled when I saw blades of blood apear killing three of them in one swoop. Turning around I saw Newt who nodded at me before we quickly covered eachothers backs "now your just stealing all the fun" I said with a smirk as I shot out fire balls "I couldnt let you have all the fun now could I" he replied as he took another one out soon we felt a third back against us to see Emma "nice of you to join the party" I said with a smirk "I dont see how this is a party" Emma shot back causing Newt and I to laugh as six more death eaters appeared. As I was focused at the sky where they where attacking from I didnt notice the one approching me by my legs until I was pulled down and dragged off "CAMILA!" Neet yell trying to kill the death Eater but stopped when he almost hit me "bye bye little guardian" she sniggered as she was about to drop me "not likely" I said as I narrowed my eyes and used my wind ability to slice off her head as I teleport back to the ground with a thud "ow.." I said as I stood up slowly. We finally killed all the ones attacking us when I rushed off back into the school, suddenly i was hit in the arm with a spell causing me to cry out in pain as i fell to the ground. I was on all fours when i looked back and saw Pansy smirking at me, she was about to hit me with the killing curse when Annie jumped in the way falling to the ground unconscious "Stupify!" I yelled knocking pansy back as Abigail came over and used a paralyzing spell to get her from getting back up "Annie..." I said as I crawled over to her lifeless body "no.." I said as I felt tears threatening to fall. Abigail ushered me to my feet and out of this hall way to continue the battle, I made it to the stair case when the railing exploded causing me to duck and see three death eaters smirking at me as we ended up throwing spells at eachother. I killed one and tried to get the other two when struck my hand causing me to drop my wand as I cried in pain "NEWT!!"  I yelled out as he appeared and took care of the last two before healing my hand "to hell with you ability I feel every cracked bone go back in place and it hurts like fucking hell!" I shouted at him as he laughed before helping me up and handing me my wand "there arent many left right now dont worry" he said before going off in a diffrent direction leaving me there "for now" I said running up the stairs and through a corridor, I was at a balcony and notice something happening below so jumping down and using my wind ability to help me land safely I punch the death eater in the face before summoning the sword Jace made me and driving it through their chest with a grunt. At this point my jacket was almost tattered completely "damn and it was my favorite" I said as I took it off throwing it to the ground to notice it was Dean I just save "hey" I said with a slight nod "hey.." he said with a slight waive "your shoulder is bleeding pretty badly" he said as I winced when he slightly touched it "I'll live go the others could use help stay together alone we dont stand a chance" I said as he looked at me "but you do it just fine" he said causing me to look back at him "I'm diffrent" I said before pulling my sword from the dead body and walking off.

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