Chapter 6

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My training with both Snape and Dumbledore was coming along great and I had better control over my abilities. As for things with George and I, it hasn't really progressed I just wasnt ready to try and take that next step and have the talk about making us an official thing yet. I was at the black lake at the moment since it was already May so the weather was nice. I took off my tank top and tied my hair before diving into the water, focusing I was able to breath so I began to practice my water abilities I recently learned I could use water to heal myself which was pretty handy. After some time I sat on the bottom of the lake thinking about everything. What I wanted and what I couldn't have all frustrated me so much I just didnt know how to handle any of this. I swam to the surface and to the dock when i saw someone extend their hand out, I looked up and saw Hermione grabbing it she pulled me up. I looked at her as I put my tank top back on "tell me the truth what's going on I promise I wont tell the others or anyone in general Camila but I'm worried about you" she said as I looked back over to her I guess I could tell her "if I tell you, you absolutely cant say a word to anyone alright" I said as she nodded her head in understanding. Sighing I relayed everything Dumbledore told me with being Harry's Guardian and protecting him from all danger until he could complete his prophecy to destroy Voldemort "Camila that's so much for one person to bear I'm so sorry I have been giving you such a hard time I will help in anyway I can" she said as she hugged me causing me to relax in the embrace and hold her tightly. We went to another clearing and sat there talking both of us catching the other one up with what's been going on, I honestly been so busy training I missed so many things that happened to Harry and it angered me he was like the brother I never had and I should be there to help him out. As we sat in the clearing I couldn't help but sigh before noticing Hermione looking at my arm causing me to look down at it to see the constant reminder that Pansy left engraved in my arm at the beginning of the year "it's fine honestly it's not like it's a lie" I said covering my scare with my hand as she frowned "no your wrong we are all human bo one is better than anyone" she replied bitterly as she looked at where the scare was supposed to be causing me to laugh "god this is why your my sister" I replied causing her to smile "better believe it I'm here for you and so is Harry I know everything will be revealed to him in time I just hope nothing happens to either of you until then" she said causing me to nod my head "its take alot to kill me trust me" I replied causing us both to laugh.

We where back in the common room and the boys where no where in sight to my relief, we where on the couch reading when I could feel Hermione staring at me "well out with it or are you just going to bore a whole in me face" I said with a smirk "how are thing with you and George going" she asked causing me to blush "we are just friends Mione" I replied as I placed my book down to look at her "I know you like him alot you told me so yourself but I cant help but feel some kind of sexual tension between the two of you have you two?" I turned a bright red "god Mione no I haven't shagged the guy!" I replied a bit more loudly than I wanted to causing her to laugh "who haven't you shagged" I heard Fred say causing me to turn even more red "none of you business!" I replied quickly not once looking at him "does Camila like someone and didnt tell us" I heard George say causing me to get even more red if that was possible "do you two have nothing better to do than meddle in my personal life" I said slightly looking at them as I could see Hermiones amused smile and theirs as well. The two twins looked at eachother then back at me with matching smirks "no" they said in union causing me to groan "well apologies but that isnt your business" I said standing up grabbing Hermiones hand pulling her to her feet as she looked over at them with a laugh "how come she gets to know?" Whined Fred causing me to roll my eyes "because she is my sister" I said as I turned to them noting Fred pouting "am i not a brother to you then" he replied causing me to groan "yes but you that Annoying brother that I never want to tell anything to because you have a big mouth" I shot back causing him to put a hand on his heart "ouch Camila that hurts I would never" he replied causing Hermione to laugh. I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arm over my chest "first year I told you I thought a boy was cute and you told him infront of the whole school second year I had fallen on my period and asked you for your coat to cover myself until I got back to the commons and you blurted out that I was on my period infront of the whole school third year...." he cut me off as George seemed amused as did Hermione "alright I get it already... fine then dont tell me I'll find out soon enough" he replied before taking a seat on the couch. I looked towards George who was staring right at me with a knowing smirk causing me to glare before mouthing my response to his quiet statement 'you wish' I mouthed before dragging Hermione to our room locking the door behind us and putting a soundproof spell on the room incase they decided to listening on our conversation. I sat on my bed with a loud sigh when I heard Hermione laughing "why is it you always say that stuff when they appear" I said with a glare causing her to smirk " you knew they where standing there when you asked didnt you" I stated again with a glare as she just continued to smirk "oh come on Camila you want to shag the guy just do it already" she said frustrated causing me to laugh "I dont exactly like the idea of shagging him at 14 thank you very much" I said as she groaned out again "I guess I get that not really an appropriate age for it but just figure something out with the guy you both are clearly attracted to eachother" she finished before standing up to grab a book as I just grabbed my guitar.Hermione had left having to go meet up with Harry and Ron so I was In my room alone, i was playing a song I had wrote called a reason to stay I was still trying to work out the lyrics but I had the music figured out it was a piano song originally but all I had was my acustic so that's what I was using right now to play the tune I had wrote. As I strummed my guitar I missed the knock on my door and the figure that entered the room aswell while closing the door behind them, I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump out of my spot turning to see George standing there with a smirk "that wasnt funny" I said as I glared at him "of course not" he said as he sat on Hermiones bed as I placed my guitar down "so about what you and Hermione where talking about earlier" he said with a bit of concern "George dont worry Hermione is just being her over bearing self in trying to make me happy but I do not plan on shagging anyone at the age of 14" I said as I could see the look of relief wash over him "good honestly I was worried for a second but honestly 14 is a little to young for those types of activities" he said as we sat there in silence "if you dont mind me asking though who was she referring to?" He asked me with a questioning look causing me to blush "she seems to think you and I have some sort of sexual tension between us" I replied looking at the ground as I heard him laugh "I do think your cute but after everything and that snogging session I couldn't help but feel that I was snogging my sister so I think she is reading the whole situation wrong at the moment" he said causing me to feel a small sting in my chest 'ouch I've just been sistered by the one guy that I want nothing more than to live happily with'. I looked up at him with a small fake smile "yeah your right it was sort of weird I suppose anyways I have to get going I have to see Dumbledore" I said obviously lying since I had to go train, standing up and grabbing my small duffle bag I walked out of the room and hurrying off to meet Snape.

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