Bad Case of the Mondays

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You hated Mondays.

Your head was pounding in your hands as you tried to block out the fluorescents from above, as if that would do anything to cure the epic migraine you had. It felt like someone had frozen your brain and then microwaved it halfway before putting it back into your skull. Every beat of your heart made your head pound and your eyes and teeth ache, sending shooting pains down the back of your head. Gritting your teeth only made it worse, but the pain distracted you from the tears that would surely come if you relaxed your jaw, and the rolling nausea that threatened to overtake you.

Migraines weren't uncommon for you; you could usually get through the day with one. This just seemed to be a particularly awful one. You just wanted a moment of silence in the break area, a reprieve from the noise of the entire world and here Spencer was, ruining it. Every clink of his spoon against his coffee mug and every word that came out of his mouth just induced more and more pain. Could he not see you were suffering? Did he just not care that you were almost in tears from the pain? He just kept chatting absentmindedly at you, not even bothering to look back to see if you were listening. You were desperate for relief, the feeling of a waiting sob heavy on your chest and threatening to burst if it got any worse than this. You couldn't take it anymore. You snapped.

"God, do you ever get tired of listening to yourself!?"

Oh, fuck. Opening your mouth had been a bad idea. You were going to throw up. You pushed yourself out of your chair as fast as you could and rushed to the women's restroom. You covered your mouth as you got there, just barely making it in time to empty your stomach contents into the toilet. You knew you got some vomit on your hand and the floor, but all you could think about was ridding your body of whatever illness had possessed you.

You don't know how long you sat there on the cold bathroom floor, resting your head on your arms that were propped up on the toilet seat. All you knew was that any sudden movement would trigger another round of dry heaving. You sat there on the floor for what seemed like forever, shifting slightly every once in awhile as your legs started to fall asleep. You closed your eyes and your mind started to wander. The migraine had reduced itself to a duller ache. Still pounding, but not deafening. You almost didn't realize you had started to fall asleep until the restroom door opened and somebody made their way down the row, jolting you out of your rest.


You glanced up to see your coworker Emily looking concerned. She knelt down, putting a soothing hand on your back.

"Hey girl, are you doing okay?" How embarrassing. Being caught half asleep leaning over a toilet seat at work with vomit on yourself. Lovely.

"Uh, yeah I'm doing great," you croaked, giving a small laugh to diffuse the awkwardness. God your mouth and throat were so dry.

"Okay, well how about we get you out of here, huh? Can you get up?"

"Yeah, I think so." Emily rose and you took the hand she offered you, slowly rising up and leaning on the side of the stall as pins and needles made their way through your legs.

"Let me just clean up first, okay?"

"Absolutely." Emily used the restroom as you made your way to the sink to wash your hands and rinse out your mouth, using a damp paper towel to blot away any remnants left on your shirt. She joined you shortly after, watching you closely as you leaned onto the counter for support.

"Are you safe to drive?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a migraine."

She nodded in sympathy as the two of you walked out. You kept your head down to counteract the pain the bright lights gave you. Emily walked you to your desk in the bullpen while you packed up your things.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride or anything?" Emily was a good friend. You wished that you knew her better. The profilers of the BAU tended to stick close together and didn't really fraternize outside of their little group.

You were mostly okay with that. They all seemed like really decent people, it just felt like there was a very distinct hierarchy in the unit. You knew you were below them, not as important, but they still treated you with kindness and would invite you and other coworkers to hang out with them every once in awhile. Many people didn't accept; it felt almost like a third wheel situation, and it was extremely intimidating hanging out with other people who seemed to be able to read your mind.

There was also that voice in your head that told you that these people knew human behavior so well that they could imitate it. They could be anyone they wanted to be at any time. And though they seemed genuine at work, sometimes a look here or an offhanded comment there made you wonder who these people really were underneath the surface. Were they being themselves or were they being the person that other people expected?

Not like you were one to talk. You had taken the courses too. You could fool them just as much as they could fool you.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can make it. Thanks, Emily." You looked at her concerned face and smiled softly, slipping on your sunglasses and grabbing your keys.

"Okay. Stay safe, alright?"

You nodded, your head starting to pound again as you started walking towards the elevator. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.

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