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You half sprinted to the bathroom before anyone could come out of the observation room. You couldn't look anyone in the eyes after that horrendous display, at least not for a day or two. You splashed your face with water, trying to get the light blush to go away. You hated every fucking second of this. To make matters worse, the door opened and JJ stepped in. You averted your eyes from the door, focusing on grabbing some paper towels and patting your face dry.

"Are you doing okay?" she asked concernedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you answered breezily.

"It's okay if you're not. You know nobody will judge you-"

"I said I'm fine," you interrupted, making eye contact with her in the mirror. She paused.

"Okay. Do you want to talk about it?"


"Well we were going to go over it in the conference room if you'd like to join."

"I think I'll spend some time with Penny in her office."


She stood there for a moment, as if she was waiting for you to move. You were not about to face everyone else outside.

"I'll see you later," you prompted, turning back to your reflection in the mirror, picking at nonexistent flaws in your makeup.

JJ nodded and walked out, leaving you alone once again.


You were at Spencer's place that night, cooking dinner with him. Sometimes he would hum along to the music playing lightly from the living room, other times tap the rhythm on the counter, but he was almost always touching you, whether it was your shoulders brushing against each other or a small kiss on your shoulder, a hand on your back or in your hair. You had originally thought he was possessive, but you had realized recently that it was a way for him to convey his care for you. He wanted you to know he was there, always paying attention, always checking in on you.

You enjoyed these domestic moments with him the most. In these moments, while you were stirring food in a pan on the stove and he was chopping vegetables, you were normal. You loved the look of pure concentration on his face as he handled the knife, pushing his glasses further up onto his nose, his bottom lip between his teeth as he tried to get the bell peppers in perfect little cubes. He really was something else.

You knew you were going to have to ruin this moment by telling him what you did today. But for now, in the safety of his little apartment, you chose to enjoy the reprieve from the outside world. Sure enough, the question came up at the dinner table.

"We didn't do much. Played some poker, a lot of Scrabble. She only beat me a few times," he said with a proud little smile, sipping lightly on his wine. You smiled back. You enjoyed hearing him talk about his day, especially considering he had been able to relax a little bit with Emily. You knew her friendship was important to him.

"How was your day? What did you do?" he asked.

You looked down at your plate and picked at your food as casually as possible.

"Not much," you replied in an indifferent tone. "I spoke to Malcolm today."

You kept your eyes on your plate, yet you could still see him stiffen in his seat. You heard the sound of him setting his fork onto his plate, and you saw his napkin disappear off of the table. You lifted your eyes guiltily towards his, watching as he wiped at his mouth slowly before setting his napkin back down.

"How did that go?"

You could see he was holding something back, but you weren't sure what it was. Anger? Sadness? Although you hadn't technically betrayed him in any way, there was no mistaking what you had done. You had purposely waited for him to be distracted because you knew he wouldn't approve.

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now