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You sat there stunned for what seemed like forever before eventually turning back to the computer screens to finish overseeing surveillance footage. The case had wrapped itself up quickly in a whirlwind after that, and you didn't have a chance to even look at or speak to Spencer after they two of you had kissed.

You didn't have time to call Audrey, but you texted her. You hesitated to even say anything in the first place, partially because Spencer had played you like a fiddle, and partially because you were unsure of where the two of you would stand if you mentioned it to her. But you couldn't tell anyone else, so you decided to just bite the bullet and say something.

You had expected her behavior to change, but it didn't. She had asked you how it felt to kiss him, how you felt about the situation, and if you wanted more from him. You honestly didn't really know the answers to any of those questions, and she was okay with that. She had reiterated a conversation the two of you had about a month ago when you had started the whole affair, that if you were ever uncomfortable or ever wanted things to change, to just let her know.

It was so comforting that Audrey didn't treat it like a world-ending situation. It kind of felt like that to you. It was as if there was an ultimatum in the air, as if you had to make a choice that would affect not just your personal life, but your career as well. You didn't tell her how Spencer had mentioned her, you thought it was too weird that Spencer apparently knew more about Audrey than she knew about him.

Days had passed and with the case done, the team was on their way out of the office, straight from the jet. You were about to walk out of the front doors when Spencer caught up to you with that smug smile on his face. You knew you had left him behind; he had to have ran to catch up with you. He put his hand on your shoulder to stop you and leaned down to your level so he could say something that only you would hear.

"You should come to my place tonight."

What the fuck? Where did that come from? How fucking presumptuous. You had kissed him once, days ago. That being said, he looked practically devilish with his ruffled hair and loose tie. Almost irresistible if you didn't know any better. You frowned at him.

"Over my dead body."

You pushed open the doors and walked away from him, refusing to look back. What kind of offer was that? It was like he was expecting you to break, expecting you to cave in and admit some type of feelings that didn't exist.

"Are you sure?" he asked, following behind you. Lovely how he didn't have energy on the plane to talk to anyone but had all the time in the world to bother you. He was almost playful with the way he was keeping pace with you, his long strides next to your shorter legs making it almost impossible to get away from him without flat out running.

"Yes, I am sure," you said through gritted teeth, trying to avoid looking him in the eyes.

"Suit yourself. See you later!" he called, turning around and walking the opposite direction towards the metro. You just scoffed, continuing to walk to your car. You'd rather spend a quiet night alone.


It was a double whammy this week. Hotch had texted before the team got in that the next day you would need to be ready to go the second you arrived at the office. Ugh.

You were all walking to the jet when Reid sidled up next to you walking alone.

"How come you didn't come over last night?" he asked nonchalantly. You looked up at him incredulously.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah." He raised his eyebrows at you. "Isn't that your thing? Saying you're not going to do something and then doing it anyways?"

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now