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It seemed like everyone was walking on eggshells around you. What was even worse is that you were almost 100% sure that Emily had told Penny what was going on because every hour or two she would emerge from her cave to check on you. Which was super nice, of course, if you didn't have work to do.

She invited you to have lunch with her in her office, and you figured it would be a great time to discuss it. You had been feeling very isolated recently anyways, and you knew some girl time wouldn't hurt. When you got to her office, you saw that she had gotten your favorite order from the taco place a few streets down. So that's how bad she thought it was.

"Alright, give it to me straight," you said, plopping down in her spare office chair. "How much did Emily tell you?"

Penny started, and you knew you had gotten her.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said shortly. You chuckled lightly at her attempt to lie. She was always bad at that.

"Pen, I'm really not mad. I promise. I know everyone is worried, but it's okay. I just want to know what Emily said. And after this, I give you my full permission to tell them whatever I say."

"Well... she said that they were worried. JJ heard you crying at night in your room. And she said that you had a nightmare on the plane and that they saw it."

Oof. You thought most of them had been asleep for that.

"That's true," you replied. "I started remembering some stuff, having some nightmares. I can't really piece it together yet. But I'm okay. I've had a few good nights of rest at home so it's been pretty okay. I mean there's still more to work through but it'll be fine. Are you happy with my responses?"

Penny nodded.

"Okay," you smiled. "Let's eat."


Spencer was mad, and you didn't know why. Actually, the more correct phrase was that he was mad at you. You tried to smile at him as he entered the office and he wouldn't even spare a glance your way. You were making coffee in the kitchen when he walked in, and as you made eye contact with him, he instantly turned around and left. What was his problem? Was this about not getting his clothes back to him? He had said it was fine.

The end of the day came and you caught him in the elevator. The two of you and elevators never seemed to mix well, but you figured you'd rather face the problem now rather than later. The anxiety was going to kill you otherwise. You smiled at him as you walked in, even though he just spared you a blank look. Turns out, you wouldn't even have to ask him why he was upset; the second the elevator doors closed he started in on you.

"Are you embarrassed of me?" he asked angrily, turning to face you.

You were taken aback.

"Uh, what? Why would you think-"

"Because Penny told me that all you did was sit at home on your day off. Is there a reason you didn't want her to know?"

Was he actually serious right now?

"You're joking, right?" you asked. Your temper was starting to flare. You started to speak but he cut you off.

"Do I look like I'm joking? Are you really that ashamed of me? I mean I know you hated me at one point but I didn't think you hated me so much as to-"

"Well, I'm sorry, Spencer. I didn't want to broadcast to everyone we know that I showed up to your doorstep crying. Do you think I enjoy that kind of attention? Did you want me to explain to Penelope what you told me about your dreams? You want them to know you're having problems, too? I was trying to protect you. And-"

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now