The Raid, Part 1

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It became more and more apparent as the time ticked by that you couldn't stay here anymore. You had gotten control of yourself, dried your tears, and your worries and fears gave way to extreme anxiety. The doctors had looked at you, said you were okay. You still had another week or two before you could get the cast off, and that bothered you to no end. If you didn't have it, then you wouldn't have to stay here in this hospital room with Emily and Anderson, wouldn't have to worry about Hotch and Spencer and your team.

You couldn't sit still, couldn't stop your mind from racing. You were going out of your fucking mind, what ifs flooding your brain like a track on repeat. Your team- no, your family- was putting themselves in extreme danger, and all you were doing was sitting in a random hospital room. Were you really doing the best that you could? Were you really doing everything you could to help?

Fuck it.

You couldn't do this anymore.

"I have to go," you told Anderson, standing up quickly out of your chair despite his protests. "Stay with Emily."

You marched to the nurse's desk, pulling your badge out as you went. You hated doing this, hated abusing your power like this, but this was an emergency. This was important.

"Ma'am?" you asked insistently. The woman at the desk turned to you, her face becoming more serious as she took in your demeanor. You probably looked crazy, plaster and dust still covering your clothes and hair, bandages littering your forehead and arms.

"What can I help you with?" she asked.

"I need to get this cast off as quickly as possible. I'm a federal agent. I understand that this breaks your protocol but this is a life or death situation right now."

"We can't just-"

"Yes, I know," you replied frustratedly. "I am asking you to do this because someone's life is in danger, and I need to have full use of my hand. I'll be back later, we can reevaluate. But I need this done, and I need it done right this second. My colleagues are in the other room, they can verify this for you. But please, just help me on this one."

After more coaxing, you were able to get her to agree. You could barely sit still while the doctor was using the saw to cut you free. The moment he was done you were up, thanking him and rushing out of the hospital to your vehicle as quickly as you could. You knew your hand was weak from disuse, your wrist even more fragile, but you couldn't worry about that right now. You had to work through the pain.

You knew you were making an impulsive and reckless decision, but you had the address the team was headed to, and you knew they would wait outside for a few minutes before going in. You would likely be right on time. Even then, you sped as much as the speed limit would allow. They would have extra equipment for you there; you didn't need to worry about it. Dawn would be approaching soon, within the next hour or two. It was imperative that you hurried.

You turned your lights off as you pulled up, and drove your vehicle slowly but steadily to where you knew the group would be. In the residual light of their setup and the automatic dim lights on your car, you could see that there were suddenly guns trained on you. They weren't expecting anyone else to come; you were suspected to be a threat. Friendly fire would be a hell of a way to go out. But then they were lowering their weapons and someone ran over to your driver's side door. Spencer yanked the door open, a mixture of anger and confusion on his face.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed at you under his breath.

"Nice to see you, too," you countered, swinging your legs over so that you could get out of your car. But Spencer blocked you, moving so close that your knees were pressing into his stomach.

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