The Shower

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You honestly weren't sure who you hated more, Reid or Rossi. You decided on Reid, because you actually really loved David Rossi most of the time. But this time? Not so much.

Of course the team had just happened to go after an unsub that was targeting young, happy couples. Of course you and Reid were the youngest, and the closest in age, so it only made sense that you two be bait. Poor Rossi probably just didn't pick up the vibes.

Which, honestly, you thought surprising. You and Spencer bickered almost every time you were left alone, and had been interrupted once or twice by Emily and JJ. The second that somebody else appeared, Spencer retreated into his innocent and soft persona, which infuriated you to no end. You seemed to be the only one who knew what an absolute asshole he could be. Any chance he got, he would try to one-up you or purposely sabotage you by doing things like "losing" your paperwork or stealing your seat on the plane. But every single person loved him, so it's not like you could say anything.

It's also not like you were innocent in the whole thing either. You would purposely trip him, make jokes at his expense, and even hid some of his things, only to put them back in a place where you know he had already searched a thousand times. The behavior usually de-escalated when the team was out of town on a case, but for some reason Spencer had been absolutely relentless on this trip.

So when Rossi had suggested that you and Spencer pose as a happy couple, you were mortified. You knew that protesting too much would be a dead giveaway, so you turned to Spencer and raised your eyebrows at him.

"You game?"

He gulped and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I think we can pull it off."

Everyone turned to Hotch while he started to formulate a game plan for the team to find a way to get the unsub's attention so that he would come for you and Reid. As much as you wished someone would protest and say it was a bad idea, you knew it wasn't going to happen. And when Garcia was able to confirm that the unsub was on your trail, you were even more disappointed.

The two of you still had quite some time left to spare for the evening. The unsub usually attacked in the middle of the night, and it was only 5pm, but the both of you were sitting in the living room of a safe house. Part of you was happy that you didn't have to go around pretending to be in love in public anymore. You weren't really one to hold hands, and you certainly were not happy to hold Spencer's hand. His acting was really good though, you had to give him that. He had put his hand on the small of your back when you were in crowded places, leaning down to whisper jokes to you. Sometimes he would even tuck a piece of hair behind your ear or sling his arm around your shoulders. You didn't know what to do except for laugh and bump him with your hip, sometimes wrapping your arm around his torso to pull him closer to you while you were walking down the street.

The human contact from Spencer made you almost wistful for a relationship, though. It had been a long time since you had been with someone. Your career and other goals had gotten in the way. You didn't need someone else to be happy, but it was still a nice thing to have. Sometimes you got lonely and yearned for someone to spend your life with, but you enjoyed the simplicity of not having to build your life around somebody else. Plus, you didn't really get out much to begin with, so the only new people you met were at work, and you had a strict no-dating policy when it came to coworkers.

Right now, you and Spencer were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Just waiting. The rest of the team was outside in their cars, watching the place. You were on your phone, and Reid was buried in a book. You were starting to get hungry though, and after a particularly loud stomach growl, he spoke up.

"Do you want to grab us dinner?"

"Yeah, what do you want?"


You sighed and turned to him.

"No, I'm asking what you want. You can't say whatever, because then you'll just complain about what I choose, and I don't feel like fighting. So. What do you want?"

He looked up from his book and raised his eyebrows at you.

"Who said we were going to fight?"

"I'm about to start fighting now if you don't say what you want for dinner."

"Fine. Can you get burgers or something? I don't really care where."

You sighed and grabbed your keys off of the coffee table. It really shouldn't be this difficult to talk to him. To your surprise he just looked back down at his book, completely ignoring that you were ready to leave.

"Alright, let's go."

He looked confusedly up at you.

"No," he said pointedly. "I asked if you wanted to grab dinner. I didn't say I was coming with you."

"Ugh! Whatever. Fine. I'll just go by myself."

You snatched your purse off of the table by the door and texted the team that you were going out for food before hopping in the car and turning the music up loud.


Spencer was nowhere to be found when you got back. The house was dead quiet, and you knew the team would have alerted you if something was wrong, but something just didn't feel right. You set the food and keys down on the table before making your way through the house quietly.


Nothing. The closer you got to the master bath, you realized the shower was running. You knocked on the door.

"Hey Spencer, everything okay?"

No reply. You knocked again this time, louder.


No sound from the bathroom still, only the running water. Something was wrong. You tried the knob and it was unlocked, so you opened the door to see if he was okay.

The shower had a glass door, so you saw everything. One of Spencer's hands was braced against the wall underneath the shower head, holding himself up as he used his other hand to jack himself off. You had immediately looked down at what he was doing and then up at his face at the same time he had realized he wasn't alone. You made eye contact for a split second before you slammed the bathroom door shut and ran to the living room.

Oh my god.

You couldn't believe what you had just seen. Oh my god. The words repeated in your head over and over again. Oh no. How were you going to face him after this? You couldn't get the image out of your head. He actually kind of had a big dick. At least from what you could see. Oh no, why were you thinking about that? You forced yourself to calm down, think about it. The best thing to do would be to pretend it never happened. Right? That's what most people did, right?

You grabbed the food from the table and turned on the tv, trying to eat but realizing very quickly that you had lost your appetite. After awhile, Spencer came slowly to sit next to you and ate as well, both of you staring at the television wordlessly. The rest of the night passed with no words between you. The unsub had come around 1 in the morning to find the two of you waiting for him and the rest of the team behind him.

You couldn't even look Spencer in the eyes on the plane the next day, opting to stare out the window. You tried so hard not to think about it, tried so hard not to think about him. But the more you tried to forget it, the more the memory seemed to be sealed into your brain. The way his wet hair clung to his face and his flushed cheeks, the way he had bitten his lip to keep quiet. God it was making your insides turn just thinking about it. And not necessarily in a bad way.

This is how you knew it had been too long since you'd had sex. You were thinking about a coworker. And not just any coworker, but Spencer. Ugh, you wished you could just forget it. And yet, that night in bed, safely in your apartment, you snaked your hand down your panties, somewhat thankful that you hadn't quite forgotten.

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